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Izgubljeno u prevodu

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The most untranslatable word in the world

6 December 2004
The special words that are somehow lost in translation
THE Times has translated for you the most untranslatable word in the world.
The word is ilunga, from the Bantu language of Tshiluba, and means a person ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second
time, but never a third time.
By Robin Young

Ilunga came top of a list drawn up with the help of 1,000 translators, narrowly beating shlimazl, Yiddish for a chronically unlucky person, and radioustukacz, Polish for a person who worked as a telegraphist for the resistance movements on the Soviet side of the iron Curtain.

In the English language, googly (as in cricket), Spam (as in tins) and gobbledegook (as in Plain English Campaign press releases) were among the most untranslatable words, but the top place was, surprisingly, reserved for plenipotentiary.

No problem for classicists there surely? It means a special ambassador or envoy, invested with full powers. Next!

Whimsy, bumf and serendipity (the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident), poppycock (which is what you may consider all this), chuffed (which is what I am to be writing it) and kitsch (oh, you know) were other English words to make the Top Ten.

"My own vote would have gone to googly," said Jurga Zilinskiene, the managing director of Today Translations, which organised the survey. "People sometimes forget that an interpreter must translate not just from one language to another but from one culture to another." A googly, for any Anglophones still in doubt, is an off-breaking ball in cricket bowled with an apparent leg-break action on the part of the bowler. Howzat?!?

Today asked its linguists to vote for the most untranslatable word in languages other than English, which is where ilunga narrowly outpointed shlimazl and radioustukacz.

Linguists taking part in the poll were native speakers of languages ranging from English and French to Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese, Dari, Farsi, Amharic and many others.

The top ten non-English words voted hardest to translate:

1. ilunga - Tshiluba word for a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time.
2. shlimazl - Yiddish for a chronically unlucky person.
3. radioustukacz - Polish for a person who worked as a telegraphist for the resistance movements on the Soviet side of the Iron Curtain.
4. naa - Japanese word used only in Kansai area of Japan, to emphasise statements or agree with someone.
5. altahmam - Arabic for a kind of deep sadness.
6. gezellig - Dutch for cosy.
7. saudade - Portuguese for a certain type of longing.
8. selathirupavar - Tamil for a certain type of truancy.
9. pochernuchka - Russian for a person who asks lots of questions.
10. klloshar - loser in Albanian.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
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Sjajan clanak, jos da ih prevedemo na srpski i bice super. Verujem da ce prva na spisku biti najveci problem Smile

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FaithM ::Verujem da ce prva na spisku biti najveci problem Smile
Ali zato sa poslednjom nemamo problema. Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2008
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1. ilunga - Tshiluba word for a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time.
- ako kod nas postoji uzrecica "okreni i drugi obraz" u smislu "ko tebe kamenom, ti njega hlebom", moja prva asocijacija je "nema treci obraz" - pa to nekako uklopiti u kontekst;

2. shlimazl - Yiddish for a chronically unlucky person.
- rekla bih da je nasa rec za ovo "baksuz";

3. radioustukacz - Polish for a person who worked as a telegraphist for the resistance movements on the Soviet side of the Iron Curtain.
- po zvuku reci, prva asocijacija je "radiodruker/radiodrukara", ali to je kod nas sleng, a cini mi se da ovo u poljskom nije; prema tome, ne bi to bilo tesko prevesti prema kontekstu (radio-partizani ili vec nesto sl.);

4. naa - Japanese word used only in Kansai area of Japan, to emphasise statements or agree with someone.
- japanski jezik uopste ne osecam; oni imaju cudan smisao za prevodjenje, sto se najlakse da videti na prevodu stvari koje su nam poznate, recimo nazivi knjizevnih dela; "otelo" je, recimo, "bela maramica , koja se nalazi u dzepu, i izazvala je veliku ljubomoru" - parafrazirala sam, ali naslov je opisan recenicom o beloj maramici sa preko 10 reci;

5. altahmam - Arabic for a kind of deep sadness.
- ovaj primer je dosta prevodjen po forumima i uglavnom su prevodjeni knjizevni odlomci sa konotacijom brige - uvek je bila engleska rec "worry"; tako bi, uz kontekst, i ovo, verovatno, bilo moguce prevesti odgovarajucom reci;

6. gezellig - Dutch for cosy.
- ovde bi ljutka mogla da pripomogne:

7. saudade - Portuguese for a certain type of longing.
- portugalci, inace, imaju veliki broj reci za te tuge, ceznje i sl. (kao eskimi za sneg, beduini za pesak i sl.), te ne preostaje nista drugo do pamtiti to i prihvatati kao novu rec (kao sto smo prihvatili fado);

8. selathirupavar - Tamil for a certain type of truancy.
- "truancy" je neko besposlicarenje, zabusavanje, te i ovo, zavisno od konteksta, verovatno moze biti prevodivo na srpski;

9. pochernuchka - Russian for a person who asks lots of questions.
- A pochemuchka (Russian: почемучка) is a person, often a child, who asks a lot of questions. The word was inspired by a well-known Russian children's book titled Alyosha Pochemuchka, which tells the story of a highly inquisitive five- or six-year-old boy. The name, in turn, comes from the Russian pochemu (почему), meaning "why." - valjda je svima asocijacija denis napast;

10. klloshar - loser in Albanian.
sta reci?!

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 973

Silija :: japanski jezik uopste ne osecam; oni imaju cudan smisao za prevodjenje, sto se najlakse da videti na prevodu stvari koje su nam poznate, recimo nazivi knjizevnih dela; "otelo" je, recimo, "bela maramica , koja se nalazi u dzepu, i izazvala je veliku ljubomoru" - parafrazirala sam, ali naslov je opisan recenicom o beloj maramici sa preko 10 reci;
Ha, pa oni prevode naslov uz pomoć prepričavanja komada? Milina. Smajli

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 987
  • Gde živiš: na putu za jedno ostrvo

Napisano: 13 Apr 2009 12:49


1. plenipotentiary
2. gobbledegook
3. serendipity
4. poppycock
5. googly
6. Spam
7. whimsy
8. bumf
9. chuffed
10. kitsch

Dopuna: 23 Apr 2009 16:09

ne znam kako su tacno dosli do ove liste, ali ove reci nisu bas neprevodive (mada neke ostaju kao tudjice), a kuriozitet je da je poslednja rec germanizam, a navedena je kao rec iz engleskog; postoje mnoge druge reci koje je mnogo teze prevesti od navedenih, no, evo, da zadovoljimo radoznalost onih koje ovo zanima.

1. plenipotentiary - opunomoceni(k)

a) invested with full power
b) of or relating to a plenipotentiary - a person and especially a diplomatic agent invested with full power to transact business

2. gobbledegook - bgzgmf... (na primer) izgovorljiv skup slova koja ne znace nista

wordy and generally unintelligible jargon

3. serendipity - spada u veoma tesko prevodive i islo bi se prema znacenju u odnosu na kontekst; u nekom sirem smislu se moze reci prst sudbine

the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for ; also: an instance of this - sposobnost srecnog slucajnog otkrivanja

4. poppycock - besmislica; ovde mi pada na pamet nasa rec bezveze, jer je u pitanju kolokvijalni izraz

empty talk or writing : nonsense

5. googly - termin u kriketu
(ne znam zasto je ovaj termin neprevodiviji od bilo kog drugog sportskog termina)

6. spam - spam/spem
(ostala je tudjica)

unsolicited usually commercial e-mail sent to a large number of addresse

7. whimsy - hirovit
radi se o tendenciji skracivanja reci; od whimsical

8. bumf - papirologija

chiefly British : paperwork
routine clerical or record-keeping work often incidental to a more important task

9. chuffed - (B.E.) - zadovoljan (u dijalektu); (A.E.) - nasamaren

British :quite pleased, delighted

10. kitsch - kic

something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality

Dopuna: 23 Maj 2013 15:07

Samo da vratim ovu temu na početak, da noviji članovi mogu da je pročitaju i, nadam se, uživaju u njoj.

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