Amy Sol, Pino Daeni, V. Kush, Sara Moon, I. Sandorfi, i...

Amy Sol, Pino Daeni, V. Kush, Sara Moon, I. Sandorfi, i...

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

(obavezno pogledati sve 'galerije')


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  • Pridružio: 23 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 3996

Imala sam veci deo ovih slika, a sada znam i autore Smile
Hvala, mila Poljubac

Kush, definitivno moj favorit
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  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

i ne moram mnogo da razmishljam, znam da je Kush tvoj smešak
mada ima tamo i jos par ... Wink

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 39
  • Gde živiš: u jutrima koja sanjare...

Pino Deani's

Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 18:19

Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 18:19

Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 18:20

Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 18:21

Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 18:22

Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 18:23

PINO (Pino Daeni's)

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Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 19:34



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Dopuna: 26 Jun 2007 19:38


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  • Pridružio: 23 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 3996

Arrival of the Flower Ship
The images of the picture were possibly suggested by the most famous “botanical” venture in history. By the early 19th century the British ship “Bounty” sailed to take, from Tahiti to the Caribbean, the plants of the bread fruit tree. The planters wanted to use them to feed the slaves working on fields. But Tahiti amazed the crew appearing before the seamen as a shining paradise. They did not want to leave the South Seas and mutinied against the captain. The artist represents the “flower” ship sailing among the islands of the terrestrial paradise. The pink glow of her gladioli sails illuminates all around. The sea surface is strewn with flower petals. The natives use them to approach the ship, greeting her with palm branches. Magnificent voyage turns into a triumphal procession.

Book of Books
Symbol of divine revelation. On the Greek mosaic of XI century is represented Christ, holding in hands the Bible. As asserts Borges (Jorge Luis Borges. Letters of God) any book is a ramified labyrinth and, going on it, it is always possible to encounter the Book of the Books. Translucent, nacreous colors emphasize virgin purity of image of Mary holding baby Jesus, wings of the butterfly behind her personify the soul aspiring to the blue skies. Symbolism of the picture where the figure of Virgin Mary seemingly merges with the Book of Books, associates with figurativeness of the fresco "Annunciation" pictured by Italian master of Early Renaissance Fra Angelico. It represents Archangel Gabriel appearing before Maria as she was absorbed in reading the Bible - the passage in the Book of Isaiah, where was spoken about the virgin who will give birth to the son.

Constantine the Great transformed night into day with the “pillars of wax”. Thus an ancient biography says about a man who brought the light of Christianity to the Roman Empire. In the painting a woman holds the torch of the spiritual light dispersing the dark night of ignorance. Inspired by spiritual passion she turns herself to the invisible forces of cosmos controlling the elements on Earth. She prays to save and protect her home and her family, and the fertility of the earth… Generations come and go, but the lamp of life is passed from hand to hand like a baton is being passed from runner to runner.

Departure of the Winged Ship
The image symbolically conveys to us the feelings of happiness and beauty of the world arousing in everyone bound on a distant voyage. In Japan, the image of the butterfly has inspired the artists for hundreds of years. It is always associated with the best moments in life. Here, traditional celebrations and marches begin with “the dance of the butterfly.” Butterflies also accompany wedding ceremonies in Japan. But not all know that butterflies are the amazing and courageous travelers. In favorable winds Monarch butterflies from North America can cross the Atlantic to reach England, resting as needed on the decks of ships.

Fauna in La Mancha
As is known, the “madness” of Don Quixote was born from the obsessive reading of chivalry books. The world of medieval romances became to him more real than the real life. Thus from an inhabitant of the sun-scorched dusty Spanish province of La Mancha he had turned into the citizen and ruler of the boundless Empire of Imagination. Its size, perhaps, had far surpassed that of the real Spanish empire stretched across the globe and created by other great Spaniards also called “madmen” – Columbus and Cortez! The artist assumes that in this New Empire there was also a place for the fantastic butterflies with splendid wings eclipsing the fauna of Colombia, Amazonia and Venezuela! So, instead of doing a glorious battle with the evil giant windmill, Don Quixote is going to enter the duel with the giant butterflies. Certainly, having such a “weapon,” he will not catch any butterfly. But his net could seize Beauty and Grace of these and many other amazing creations. Let us follow his noble example and stretch the net of our imaginations in search for beauty!

Walnut Of Eden
The painting depicts the morning of the world. The newly born light illuminates everything around with the slightest of pink tones. It fills every space, forcing every living cell to flutter. Two essences – masculine and feminine – are united in a tiny nutshell. According to Tao religion, this is a union of yang and yin, which represents two opposites. From the force of yang comes the heavenly part of human soul, from the force yin comes its earthly part. The world fits inside a tiny nutshell microcosm, a part of the big world. According to Plato, there exists a mutual link between every person and the universe. The universe, or macrocosm, is a gigantic living organism, and the human, a microcosm, is a miniature universe. A tree is a symbol of the start and continuation of life.

Still Life with Mandolin
Music influences a person in a magic way getting him to seek the sources of this influence in divine. The great German astronomer Johannes Kepler who discovered the laws of planetary motion was looking for a harmony in heaven. He recorded a sheet of heavenly music (“Music of the Spheres”) based on the movement of various planets. The painter creates his own artistic world populating it with heavenly spheres playing melodies, orbiting cosmic stations “dancing” to a wonderful waltz of Johann Strauss (as Stanley Kubrick in his famous science fiction film “2001: A Space Odyssey’), etc. His artistic thought draws into its orbit some old concepts full of poetry, for example Columbus’ opinion that the Earth was pear-shaped. He affirmed that the bulging part of it represented the site of the terrestrial paradise. Based on this theory the artist creates an image of the Paradise Pear Playing Music of the Spheres before the landscape with horses. Its heavenly prototype is the harmony uttered by the movement of an imaginary pear-like planet.

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