Poznata francuska glumica pojaviće se prvi put u ulozi slikara pred njujorkškom publikom tokom septembra u okviru In-I & Jubilations umetničkog festivala. Žilijet se javnosti predstavila kao likovni umetnik devedesetih godina prošlog veka, najpre u filmu "Ljubavnici na mostu", gde su slike njenog lika na filmu zapravo bili njeni radovi, a zatim i na izložbi tokom 1993. godine. Ovakvo zanimljivo preklapanje likovne i scenske umetnosti Žilijet je ostvarila i nizom autoportreta na kojima je sebe predstavila u vidu lika koji je tumačila.
Citat:Favoring portraits, Ms. Binoche has not only depicted many of the famous directors with whom she has worked but also characters she has played, in what is a rather unique spin on the self-portrait tradition. “In-Eyes” will feature 29 triptychs, each including one of these “in character” self-portraits, a portrait of the related movie’s director, and a poem addressed to the director. These works offer a personal view, full of emotion, of the key encounters that have influenced Juliette Binoche’s movie career.
Speaking of her art, Juliette Binoche explains, “The heat and emotion to be generated, like the physical stamina to be supplied, are part of an actor’s life. Whatever was left over, whatever surged forth despite myself, and whatever I had hoped for, I then put down on paper. None of it is definitive; it’s just a record—a fleeting and subjective perception—of one moment in life. Technique simply came with the desire to paint, without preconceptions.”
Izvor: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=32690