Jubileji - Đorđone i Karavađo

Jubileji - Đorđone i Karavađo

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Napisano: 03 Jan 2010 19:11

U Italiji će se tokom 2010. godine zasebnim izložbama obeležiti dve velike godišnjice - pet vekova od smrti Đorđonea, i četri od smrti Karavađa. Izložba posvećena majstoru iz Kastelfranka organizovana je u njegovom rodnom gradu, dok će Karavađova dela biti izložena u gradu u kom je proveo svoj najznačajniji umetnički period, u Rimu, u muzeju Skuderie del Kvirnale.

Oba ova umetnika bila su izuzetno dosledna svom načinu likovnog izražavanja, koji je inspirisao i njihove savremenike i sledbenike. Usled toga pozamašan korpus slika koji im se pripisuje nije pouzdano atributovan. Svako na svoj način, uneli su značajne novine u tok istorije slikarstva, kako po pitanju stila, tako i po pitanju sadržaja koju su predstavljali. I mada uočavamo raskorak između idiličnih, lirskih slika Đorđonea i brutalnih, mračnih slika Karavađa, Karavađovi su savremenici u njegovom radu prepoznali uticaj upravo Đorđonea, i obojica nam danas deluju na sličan način misteriozno i uzbudljivo, i dele zajedničku sudbinu grandioznih umetnika.

Citat:The celebrations began in May 2009 with the inauguration of the Museo Casa Giorgione, a museum where the enigmatic figure of the artist and the cultural context surrounding him find concrete expression in works, places and architectural reconstructions. The Altarpiece in the Cathedral and the frieze of The Liberal and Mechanical Arts are the most important items in the heritage of the city and both are prominent features of the museum exhibition, along with the 15th-century House, the venue for the collection, which is where the Master used to work.
For the first time ever, the genius, greatness and charm of Giorgione's early works are displayed in his hometown. A new and original survey enables visitors to admire the masterpieces from the first phase in Giorgione's career, alongside those by artists he was in contact with during his short life, including Giovanni Bellini, Lorenzo Costa, Carpaccio, Perugino, Sebastiano del Piombo, Palma the Elder, Leonardo, Raphael and Titian.

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Citat:The exhibition's curator has thus chosen a rigorous philological approach, designed to create a synthetic, rather than an anthological, path through his production, albeit one based on the presentation of "capital" works. In the light of the foregoing, it will be clear that we aim to present a selection of the Lombard artist's most representative works, which, duly contextualized, will pay tribute to the uniqueness of Caravaggio, bringing the year dedicated to his celebration to a fitting conclusion.
By drawing on the literary sources and the immense volume of documentary material collected and systematically updated first by Mia Cinotti, from 1971 to 1983, and subsequently by Stefania Macioce, in 2003, and continuously increased up to the present day, it has been possible to conduct a rigorous critical appraisal of the paintings, their precise chronological dating, their provenance and the original and subsequent settings by tracing their various changes of ownership.

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Dopuna: 16 Mar 2010 4:01

Godišnjicu Karavađove smrti obeležava i BBC

Citat:To mark the 400th anniversary of the death of Caravaggio, Roger Law embarks on a journey to understand this shadowy, dangerous and controversial artist.

With the 400th anniversary of his death approaching, the painter Caravaggio is receiving a great deal of attention in Italy and around the world. He was controversial in his own lifetime and a passionate debate rages over his legacy today. Artist Roger Law goes in search of the man behind the myth.

BBC Radio 4 emituje trodelnu emisiju posvećenu Karavađu. Prva epizoda emitovana je 14. marta, traje 15 minuta i možete je tokom sledećih pet dana pronaći na ovoj adresi: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Sledeća epizoda biće emitovana 21. marta, a poslednja 28. marta. smešak

Dopuna: 22 Mar 2010 1:49

Da podsetim na drugu epizodu Very Happy : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dopuna: 28 Mar 2010 16:37

Treća, poslednja epizoda, može se odslušati tokom narednih nedelju dana ovde: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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