Krađa umetničkih dela


Krađa umetničkih dela

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Iz holandskog Scheringa muzeja moderne umetnosti ovog petka (1. maj) ukradene su dve slike.
Citat:The museum said in a statement the robbers took "Adolescence," a 1941 gouache by Dali and "La Muscienne," an oil painting from 1929 by Polish-born art deco painter Tamara de Lempicka.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
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  • Gde živiš: The Circle

Normalno kad nema nigde žandara...

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Skulptura Henrija Mura ukradena 2005. godine, najverovatnije je završila kao staro gvožđe Sad

Citat:One of the most audacious British art thefts, the disappearance of a two-tonne Henry Moore sculpture worth £3m, has been solved by police, who believe that the internationally revered Reclining Figure sculpture was melted down and sold for no more than £1,500.

The bronze sculpture was stolen from the 72-acre estate of the Henry Moore Foundation in Much Hadham, Hertfordshire, in December 2005. The theft baffled art and crime experts and sparked a global hunt for the culprits.

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  • Danica
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2008
  • Poruke: 710
  • Gde živiš: još uvek sam na istom brdu ali sada sama

Holandija,Jelkice,prosto nemogu da verujem,civilizovan narod,nikad ratovalai,a sada kradu skulpture,i gde završe.....žalosno ali istinito,pogledala sam link.

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Napisano: 04 Jun 2009 22:00

U Veneciji pronađena Renoarova slika sa mitološkim sadržajem, ukradena pre 25 godina.

Citat:A police spokesman told AFP on Wednesday that a resident of Treviso city, north of Venice, had doubts about the origin of the painting after consulting a list of stolen artworks.

With the Treviso resident unable to prove his claim that he bought it at a rummage sale, police seized the painting, dating from around 1895, in order to return it promptly to its rightful owners.

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Dopuna: 10 Jun 2009 2:46

Beležnica sa tridesetak crteža, vredna oko 8 000 000 evra ukradena je iz muzeja Pabla Pikasa u Parizu.

Citat:A sketchbook of some 32 drawings by Pablo Picasso worth about 8m euros ($11m; £6.8m) has been stolen from a museum in Paris, police have said.

The theft from the Picasso Museum was discovered on Tuesday afternoon but the exact time and circumstances have yet to be determined.

Initial investigations showed the sketchbook was held in an unlocked display case on the first floor.

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U Bervinu, u okolini Čikaga, u skromnoj kući Džona Sistoa, pronađena je neverovatna kolekcija koju čini oko 3 500 vrednih umetničkih dela, knjiga i istorijskih dokumenata. Predmeti su ukradeni, i iz Italije preneti u Ameriku. FBI je otpočeo proučavanje ovih predmeta još 2007, ali je kolekcija tek nedavno predstavljena javnosti.

Citat:In his 33 years in law enforcement, Kushner said he had never seen anything like this.

"There was stuff all over the house in boxes. The most valuable stuff from the Vatican was on the second floor in the attic," Kushner said. "It just goes to show you, you never know what you'll find in a bungalow."

The artifacts and documents date back as far as the 4th Century B.C. and include parchments and manuscripts from Pope Paul III in the 1500s and Pope Paul V in the 1600s. A collection of small statues, known as the Canosa artifacts, is believed to have been taken from an Italian chapel where the objects were offered as devotions to God. Letters from Kings Charles V from 1534 and Ferdinand II from 1847 also were included.

During the two-year probe, FBI officials worked with Italian authorities and determined the origins of the stolen artifacts came from the Bari region of Italy, where John Sisto was born.

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Dopuna: 04 Jul 2009 3:06

Klivlendski muzej vratio je italijanskoj državi četrnaest eksponata za koje je utvrđeno da su nelegalno izneseni iz Italije pre nego što su postali deo muzejske zbirke. Muzej i italijanski predstavnici su u pregovorima oko povratka još nekih eksponata. Italija je ovakvom kulturnom diplomatijom uspela da povrati još neka umetnička dela i iz drugih svetskih muzeja.

Citat:Italy has unveiled 14 artifacts, including a bronze statue of an archer and a pair of Etruscan silver bracelets, returned by the Cleveland Museum of Art after it was discovered they had once been looted.
Among the artifacts unveiled Thursday in Italy:

* A bronze statuette of a horned archer made in Sardinia in the ninth or eighth century BC.
* A 14th-century gold-plated processional cross stolen from a church in Tuscany.
* A pair of Etruscan silver bracelets from the sixth century BC.
* Pottery vessels shaped as a donkey head, a pig and a duck.
* A one-metre krater, or vase, that was used to mix water and wine at banquets.

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Dopuna: 28 Avg 2009 13:19

U Iraku je pronađena Pikasova slika "La Mujer Desnuda", vredna 10 000 000 dolara, ukradena iz Kuvajtskog nacionalnog muzeja 1990. godine.

Citat:A painting by Pablo Picasso believed to have been stolen during the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait has been found in the possession of an Iraqi man in Babel, south of Baghdad, the Al Sabah newspaper reported Wednesday.

Police launched a sweep in Yebla, an area in Babel province, after intelligence indicated the painting was being kept by someone in the area, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources.

Officers arrested the man who had Picasso's "La Mujer Desnuda", which is worth an estimated $10 million and bears the seal of the Kuwaiti National Museum.

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Taman postavih ovu vest, i onda pročitam da je Pikasovo autorstvo sporno u ovom slučaju.

Citat:The painting has a tag on the back with several misspellings that says it was sold by "the louvre" to "the museum of kuwait," with the words Louvre and Kuwait in lower case. There are also several stamps bearing the name of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

But an official with the Louvre Museum said it has never had a Picasso in its collection and does not sell its works because they are government property. The official spoke on condition of anonymity according to museum policy.

The London-based Art Loss Registry said it has no record of any paintings missing from the Kuwait National Museum, and no record of this particular painting as missing at all.

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Dopuna: 15 Sep 2009 2:32

Početkom septembra u Los Anđelesu je ukradena kolekcija od jedanaest slika Endija Vorhola, koja je bila u vlasništvu uglednog kolekcionara umetničkih dela, Ričarda Vajsmana. U pitanju su portreti sportista, kao i samog Vajsmana, vredni nekoliko miliona dolara.

Citat:On Sept. 3, a housekeeper for noted art collector Richard L. Weisman walked into the dining room of Weisman's residence and saw that 11 large portraits that had been on the walls the day before were gone, according to Det. Donald Hrycyk, head of the LAPD's art theft detail.
The former investment banker comes from a renowned family of collectors. His parents, Frederick and Marcia, were important figures in art circles, amassing a significant collection that centered on works by post-World War II artists. The younger Weisman was friends with Warhol and commissioned the square, brightly colored silk screen paintings of famous athletes in the late 1970s -- a period when Warhol produced hundreds of works for wealthy patrons able to pay the large sums the artist charged.
The investigation is particularly complicated because the stolen portraits belong to one of several sets Warhol made of the athletes. Each set has a different color scheme, but they look similar. Weisman is thought to own several of the sets himself, police said. Hrycyk said police are working to identify the other sets in an effort to avoid confusion over which portraits are missing. The FBI and Interpol, which maintain databases of stolen art, will be notified, the detective added.

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Dopuna: 07 Okt 2009 18:31

Krađa umetničkih dela Poloka, Matisa, Rembranta, Van Goga i drugih majstora, vrednih preko 80 miliona dolara prijavljena u Kaliforniji krajem septembra, sumnjiva je lokalnoj policiji. Oštećeni nisu priložili dokumentaciju koja bi potvrdila da su ukradene slike bile u njihovom vlasništvu, a u njihovom domu nema tragova provale.

Citat:The case began about 7 p.m. Sept. 25, Richards said, when Amadio called to report the burglary. He initially said the haul included works by Pollock, van Gogh, Rembrandt, Renoir, Henri Matisse and Joan Miró, and that the total value of the stolen works was $27 million.
In the ensuing days, the men told reporters that they had discovered that other treasured paintings were missing and upped the estimated loss to $80 million. Then, on Sept. 29, Richards said, an associate of the men reported finding a typed ransom note stuffed behind some paintings that remained in their home.

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Dopuna: 11 Dec 2009 22:28

Prema svedočenju jednog od članova italijanske mafije, Karavađova slika sa predstavom Rođenja Hrista, koja je 1969. godine ukradena u Palermu, uništena je tokom devete decenije prošlog veka.

Citat:Gaspare Spatuzzo, who was imprisoned in 1997 on multiple counts of murder and turned informer last year, has told magistrates that Filippo Graviano, a Mafia boss for whom he was a hitman, told him in 1999 in prison that the painting was destroyed in the 1980s.

He said that Graviano, who with his brother Giuseppe Graviano ran one of the most powerful Cosa Nostra clans, had told him that the painting, said to be worth at least £20 million, was handed for safe keeping to the Pullara family, part of the Santa Maria di Gesu clan in Palermo, who hid it in a farm outbuilding. "There it was eaten by rats and pigs, and so was burnt," Spatuzza said.

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Dopuna: 05 Jan 2010 20:35

Uoči Nove godine ukradena je veoma vredna slika čiji je autor Edgar Dega. Nestala je iz muzeja u Marseju gde je bila na pozajmici, u noći između 30. i 31. decembra. Policija je privela jednog od muzejskih čuvara, ali je on odmah zatim i pušten, počinioci još uvek nisu otkriveni.

Citat:PARIS - Police say a painting by Impressionist Edgar Degas worth euro800,000 ($1.15 million) has been stolen from an exhibit in Marseille.

A police official says the painting, "Les Choristes," (or "The Chorus Singers"), was stolen overnight from the Cantini Museum. The official was not authorized to be publicly named because of police policy.

The French national museum authority said the painting — a small pastel painted in 1876-77 — is worth euro800,000. It belongs to the famed Musee d'Orsay in Paris, known for its impressionist works.

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Na jugu Francuske odigrala se još jedna krađa, iz privatne vile ukradeno je tridesetak umetničkih dela, vrednosti oko milion evra.

Thieves have stolen about 30 paintings, including a work by Spanish master Pablo Picasso, from a private villa in the south of France, police said on Saturday.
The haul, which also included a painting by post-impressionist Henri Rousseau, was worth about 1 million euros ($1.43 million), a judicial source said.
The theft was discovered on Thursday by a caretaker at the house in the Provencal village of La Cadiere d'Azur.

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Jedan predmet je pronađen, mala skulptura-igračka gitare, koju je Pablo Pikaso namenio svojoj ćerci, pronađena je u kutiji za cipele.

Citat:Police say they have recovered from a Roman businessman Picasso's "Little Guitar" toy sculpture made for the artist's daughter Paloma.
Carabinieri police say Picasso had given the toy to his friend, Italian artist Giuseppe Vittorio Parisi. Parisi lent it to the businessman two years ago to build a glass showcase for it to be exhibited at the civic museum on Lake Maggiore.
But police say the unnamed businessman never returned the work, keeping it in a shoe box in his home in Pomezia.

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  • laram 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2008
  • Poruke: 6

I kod nas je dosta umetničkih dela ukradeno. Kada je došlo do privatizacije raznih društvenih firmi, mnoga dela koja su bila u vlasništvu tih firmi su završila u vlasništvu direktora i šefova. Ali o ovome se ne priča.

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Napisano: 15 Jan 2010 14:37

laram ::I kod nas je dosta umetničkih dela ukradeno. Kada je došlo do privatizacije raznih društvenih firmi, mnoga dela koja su bila u vlasništvu tih firmi su završila u vlasništvu direktora i šefova. Ali o ovome se ne priča.
Ih, šta sve nije kod pojedinih šefova završilo! I o čemu se sve kod nas ćuti... Ali ova tema je više skoncentrisana na one lopove sa baterijskim lampama, u crnom i sa čarapom na glavi. Wink


U Poljskoj je pronađena je Moneova slika, ukradena pre više od devet godina.

Citat:WARSAW — Polish police said Wednesday they had recovered a painting by French Impressionist master Claude Monet stolen over nine years ago and had arrested the suspected thief.
Police spokesman Andrzej Borowiak told AFP that the man, whom he identified only as Robert Z., 41, had been arrested Tuesday in Olkusz, southern Poland.

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Dopuna: 16 Mar 2010 18:49

Prošlo je dvadeset godina od velike pljačke umetničkih dela, čiji su počinioci i dalje nepoznati. Nakon proslave Dana svetog Patrika u Bostonu 1990. godine, dvojicu kradljivaca maskiranih u policajce naivni čuvar pustio je u Izabela Stjuart Gardner muzej, odakle su oni izneli trinaest umetničkih dela, među njima i slike Rembranta i Vermera, čija se vrednost procenjuje i na petsto miliona dolara. Dvadeset godina kasnije, FBI nudi nagradu od pet miliona dolara za informacije koje bi dovele do pronalaska ukradenih dela. Takođe, istražitelji se nadaju da bi ponovni pregled dokaznog materijala mogao da doprinese nekom otkriću, s obzirom na to da je postupak DNK analize danas daleko efikasniji u odnosu na vreme kada je krađa izvršena.

Citat:While the hunt for the artwork is international and has led investigators to places ranging from France to Japan, Kelly said he suspects the thieves were local criminals and the artwork remains in New England.

Boston was recovering from St. Patrick’s Day celebrations when two men posing as police officers banged on the museum’s Palace Road entrance at 1:24 a.m. on March 18, 1990, saying they had a report of a disturbance. One of two young guards on duty buzzed them in.

The thieves subdued the guards, bound them with duct tape and handcuffs in the basement, and spent 81 minutes in the museum, pilfering some of its most valuable works.

They slashed two Rembrandts from their frames — “The Storm on the Sea of Galilee and “A Lady and Gentleman in Black’’ — leaving a dusting of chips on the floor.

They pulled “The Concert,’’ one of 36 Vermeers in the world, from its frame, along with Flinck’s “Landscape With an Obelisk,’’ Manet’s “Chez Tortoni,’’ a postage stamp-size self-portrait by Rembrandt, and five sketches by Degas. They also stole the gilded eagle finial from atop a Napoleonic flag and a bronze Chinese beaker.

“There was no great genius behind this case,’’ said Anthony Amore, director of security for the Gardner for the past 4 1/2 years and a former employee of the Department of Homeland Security. “They put on costumes, a guy rang the buzzer, and it was all over.’’

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  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 3686
  • Gde živiš: The Circle

jelkica7 ::

Dopuna: 16 Mar 2010 18:49

Prošlo je dvadeset godina od velike pljačke umetničkih dela, čiji su počinioci i dalje nepoznati. Nakon proslave Dana svetog Patrika u Bostonu 1990. godine, dvojicu kradljivaca maskiranih u policajce naivni čuvar pustio je u Izabela Stjuart Gardner muzej, odakle su oni izneli trinaest umetničkih dela, među njima i slike Rembranta i Vermera, čija se vrednost procenjuje i na petsto miliona dolara.

"Umetnost obmane"... iliti social engineering Wink

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Napisano: 16 Mar 2010 23:43

@][v][ A T R I X™
A nisu morali mnogo da se trude. Prema rečima Urlicha Bosera, autora knjige "The Gardner Heist - The True Story of the World’s Largest Unsolved Art Theft" :

Citat:The museum was not secure. It had only two security guards, one of whom later admitted to smoking marijuana before he got to work.

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Mr. Green

Dopuna: 27 Mar 2010 1:22

Da su Kanađani uzorna nacija potvrđuje vest da su dve kanadske galerije nedavno prijavile pokušaj prodaje kradenih umetničkih dela. U pitanju su jedan gvaš Pola Klea i skulptura Henrija Mura.

Citat:A painting by Swiss artist Paul Klee that was stolen from a New York gallery in 1989 been recovered after a Montreal gallery owner became suspicious and turned it over to U.S. authorities.

Robert Landau turned the 1930 painting, "Portrait in the Garden," by the neo-impressionist artist over to U.S. authorities after a Florida art dealer tried to sell it to him. It had been stolen from the Marlborough Gallery.

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Citat:On Thursday, Miriam Shiell Fine Art in Toronto reported that a small bronze by the English sculptor Henry Moore (1898-1996) it had agreed to inspect for possible sale had been stolen in 2001 from an unnamed New York gallery. The 1975 sculpture, Three Piece Reclining Figure: Maquette No. 4, was given to proprietor Miriam Shiell last week by an unidentified young man from Toronto who'd first approached her two or three weeks earlier.

“He had no documentation,” Ms. Shiell said in a brief interview. “He supposedly inherited [the sculpture],” which is valued at about $80,000 (U.S.). Subsequent checks with the Art Loss Register and the Henry Moore Foundation, both based in Britain, revealed that the Moore, which Ms. Shiell characterized as “a relatively minor work,” had gone missing in New York nine years earlier.

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Dopuna: 22 Maj 2010 0:50

Izgleda da ukrasti slike vredne više stotina miliona evra nikada nije bilo lakše. Iz pariskog Muzeja moderne umetnosti ukradeno je pet slika Pikasa, Braka, Matisa, Modiljanija i Ležea. Slike su pažljivo izvađene iz ramova i iznesene iz zgrade muzeja u četvrtak ujutru.

Citat:The burglary was discovered just before 7am. A single masked intruder was caught on a CCTV camera taking the paintings away, according to the prosecutor's office. A window had been broken and the padlock of a grille giving access to the museum was smashed. The paintings appeared to have been carefully removed from their frames, rather than sliced out.

Police and investigators have sealed off the museum.

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  • -
  • Sanjar
  • Pridružio: 09 Jul 2010
  • Poruke: 2484
  • Gde živiš: u prostoru između dva tona u dobrom riff-u

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