Krađa umetničkih dela


Krađa umetničkih dela

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

U Švedskoj ukradena Munkova slika, potom vraćena muzeju, gde nisu ni primetili da nedostaje. Mr. Green

Citat:A museum in Malmo, Sweden, was unaware of the theft of three of its works of art until police found them in a raid in nearby Landskrona.

An Edvard Munch painting, Two Friends, valued at $1.5 million, was discovered in the apartment raid by police, along with paintings by Swedish artist Gustaf Rydberg and Paer Siegaard.

Police traced them back to the Malmo Art Museum because of labels on the back of paintings.

But the museum in the city 700 kilometres south of Stockholm had not reported them missing and in fact did not know of the loss.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • saten  Female
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Zvezdočtec... :)
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2008
  • Poruke: 3361
  • Gde živiš: Montmartre Quarter :)

I to što su je ukrali nije toliko strašno, koliko je strašno da niko nije primetio da je slika nestala. Shocked

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Napisano: 21 Nov 2010 0:17

U Bostonu su vraćene i poslednje dve slike, iz grupe od sedam slika ukradenih 1978. godine, njihovom vlasniku. Pljačka prilikom koje su te slike ukradene, bila je najveća ikada sprovedena u nekom privatnom domu u Masačusetsu.

Citat:Yesterday, after a saga that spanned two continents, featured characters ranging from a Pittsfield thief to a British sleuth of stolen art, and culminated in the 2008 conviction of a Watertown lawyer-turned-artist, the last two of the missing paintings were returned to Bakwin.

Federal prosecutors turned over two small works by the French artist Jean Jansem to Bakwin at the US attorney’s office in Boston. Bakwin, who bought the two paintings in Paris in the late 1950s, said he had not seen them since they disappeared 32 years ago and was grateful to get them back, even though they were the least valuable of the lot. Together, the two are worth no more than $10,000.

My hobby was collecting art,’’ the 76-year-old man said with a catch in his voice. “When they’re taken away from you, you feel like something has left your life. It’s a big hole.’’

Dopuna: 28 Dec 2010 4:03

Krajem novembra u blizini Madrida ukraden je kamion u kom su se nalazila umetnička dela vredna oko pet miliona evra. Tri lopova su ušla u kamion natovaren slikama i skulpturama, i jednostavno se odvezla u nepoznatom pravcu. Prošlog ponedeljka saopšteno je da je pronađeno 34 od ukupno 35 ukradenih umetničkih predmeta.

Citat:Police said today they had recovered 34 of the 35 works which had been stolen when thieves broke into the Crisóstomo warehouse in Getafe, near Madrid, and used the keys kept in the truck's glovebox to drive off with a haul valued at €5m.

The truck had been parked at the warehouse for the weekend after bringing the artworks back from an exhibition at the Stefan Röpke gallery in Cologne, Germany. Security cameras recorded three people breaking into the warehouse.

Sources at some of the half-dozen Spanish galleries that loaned the works to the Röpke gallery said that many of them had not been insured.

The works were eventually discovered inside another truck parked on an industrial estate in the nearby town of Leganés, though police said they had not managed to arrest any of the three thieves who stole them.

Dopuna: 16 Jan 2011 18:49

Tekst iz "Blica" o najvećim krađama umetničkih dela u svetu, uz osvrt na neke ovdašnje slučajeve.

Citat:Krađa gotovo neprocenjivih umetničkih dela i dalje zadaje glavobolje policajcima i agentima širom sveta. I prošle godine lopovi su bili aktivni, što samo pokazuje da originalna umetnost ostaje najunosnije i najtraženije materijalno dobro na planeti.

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