Latini i marketing

Latini i marketing

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Pogled na Most uzdaha nekad i sad. Duždeva palata i neizbežna Koka-Kola.

Restauracije su u Italiji česta pojava. Ukoliko se neka čuvena palata naruži skelama, njena fasada se tada prekriva platnom sa reprodukcijom izgleda fasade u njenom nekadašnjem (i budućem) punom sjaju. Ne tako davno, tokom restauracije Duždeve palate u Veneciji, prednji deo zgrade bio je prekriven platnom na kom je izgled fasade bio "pocepan", kako bi se stvorila iluzija prikaza dela unutrašnjosti sale Velikog veća. Tako je dosetljivom fotomontažom makar malo bilo ublaženo razočarenje neobaveštenih turista, kojima je pred palatom postalo jasno da im je ulaz u nju onemogućen. Desetak godina kasnije, Venecija i dalje posrće pod teretom turista, ali i ogromnih reklamnih panoa, koji izviru sa sasvim neočekivanih mesta. Čuveni Most uzdaha uokviren je tako sa svih strana velikim panoima, zbog restauracije fasada okolnih zgrada, a sam most krunisan je velikom reklamom. Most tako u potpunosti gubi svoj estetski, pa i arhitektonski smisao, i liči na igračkicu koja viri iz šarene kutije. Iako je u pitanju reklama za "Bulgari", šarenilo ne doprinosi utisku luksuza i ekskluzivnosti.

Možemo reći da se proces restauracije danas u Veneciji proteže na čitav grad. Kao prioritetni poduhvat sprovodi se izgranja brana, čija će uloga biti da spreče poplave u centru grada. Sredstva koja su nekada uplaćivana za brigu o kulturnim dobrima grada su redukovana, stoga je grad prekriven reklamnim panoima, odabran je takav način prikupljanja novca. Venecija je tako bez državne finansijske pomoći prepuštena borbi sa poplavama, zubom vremena i navalama turista, i ne čini mi se da tu borbu odlučno vodi. Nije mi želja da prizivam nekadašnju slavu Serenisime, i da jadikujem nad vekovnom degradacijom njene moći i ugleda. Svako vreme ima svoje zašto i zato, a ako je meriti po gužvi i sevanju bliceva, slava Venecije nije ni najmanje ugrožena. Samo što napadni reklamni panoi ostavljaju zaista nespokojan utisak.

Citat:Is this ghastly defilement of the city’s appearance really necessary or even legal? Slightly over 10 years ago, the bank Credito Bergamasco gave more than E2m over seven years ago to restore the façades of the Doge’s Palace overlooking the water and the Piazzetta. On the scaffolding there was a picture of the building itself, and then of a famous painting by Tiepolo, with the bank’s logo discreetly in the corner, nothing like the Coke, Rolex or Bulgari ads now looming over this, the very heart of the city. The Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, which administers the Doge’s Palace, gets E1.8m a year from the energy company ENI and all they want in exchange is their logo on the labels in the museums and the right to hold cultural and promotional events in the buildings. The Musei Civici have also just signed an agreement with the Fondazione Prada, which will restore the 18th-century Palazzo Corner della Regina so that it can host agreed contemporary art exhibitions there, but with no other advertising benefits. It is possible, therefore, to find money in other ways.
Compare Venice with Florence. In October 2009, the Florentine superintendency allowed a chain of supermarkets, Esselunga—one of the partners in the restoration of the Corridoio Vasariano—to hang a mega-ad on the Ponte Vecchio, but the howl of protest from the Florentines, led by mayor Matteo Renzi, was so loud that it was removed after a few days. Esselunga begged everyone’s pardon and gave its money anyway, while the ministry of culture sent an inspector up from Rome to investigate.
Nothing like this has happened in Venice. And yet the convention of 1924 between the state and city council regarding the administration of the Doge’s Palace by the latter would in fact prohibit these ads. One of its clauses is about protecting the image of the building, “to be shown without objects that in any way might damage its beauty and majesty, mask its virtues, paintings and other characteristics of its history and art”. In addition, article 49 of the new law regarding the patrimony (Beni Culturali), which superintendent Codello invokes often to justify the ads, says: “It is forbidden to affix advertisements on buildings and in areas defined as ‘beni culturali’. The superintendent may, however, allow them if they do not damage the appearance, decorum and public enjoyment of the said building or area.” The current row over these huge advertisements in Venice is precisely over the damage they are doing to enjoyment of these buildings and of the city itself.

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