Mikrobi i umetnost

Mikrobi i umetnost

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Jedan od načina na koji možete iskazati svoju kreativnost, ukoliko ste mikrobiolog, jeste i praktikovanje slikanja pomoću mikroorganizama. Kažu da je na ovaj način među prvima slikao Aleksandar Fleming, mada on kao umetnik nije imao mnogo uspeha. Spoljašnjim kontrolisanjem razmnožavanja kolonija mikroorganizama, na osnovu njihove strukture i pigmenata dobijaju se različiti "slikani" oblici. No, ovu tehniku ne praktikuju samo naučnici, već i profesionalni umetnici. Jedan od njih, Erno-Erik Raitanen, izveo je seriju fotografija - Bakteriograma, koja svedoči o lepoti u nevidljivom i nepredvidivom. On nije baš primenio tehniku slikanja mikroorganizmima. U ovom slučaju mikroorganizmi su se sasvim slobodno razmnožavali, na podlozi od želatina, tako da su oblici i boje u potpunosti nekontrolisani od strane ljudskog faktora. Ali rezultati deluju veoma zanimljivo.

Citat:Microbial Art, a collection of unique artworks created using living bacteria, fungi, and protists. We are pleased to present this site as an example of the exciting interface between art and science. We also consider this an excellent opportunity to showcase the beauty of organisms that usually go unseen and therefore are often feared (sometimes rightly so) or ignored. We invite you to browse the image galleries and to find out more about the creators of these works — both human and microbial.
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Citat: “In microbiology, Alexander Fleming has achieved immortality through his discovery of penicillin but his artistic side is perhaps less well known. He was a lifelong member of the Chelsea Arts Club, a private club for artists of all genres, founded in 1891 at the suggestion of the painter Whistler.

Fleming’s artistic reputation however lies less in any remarkable artistic (in)ability he possessed rather than in his innovative approach to painting. As far as we can determine, he was the first to use pigmented bacteria as an alternative to more conventional media such as water colours or oils.

Even in Fleming’s time this technique failed to receive much attention or approval. Apparently he prepared a small exhibit of bacterial art for a royal visit to St Mary’s by Queen Mary. The Queen was “not amused and hurried past it” even though it included a patriotic rendition of the Union Jack in bacteria.”

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Citat:Bacteriograms (2008-) are created by cultivating bacteria samples on a gelatin surface of the negative; by using similar techniques as laboratories use to grow bacteria on Petri dishes. I gathered the samples from my own body, therefore creating kind of self-portraits.

The bacteria consumes the gelatin creating shapes and colours entirely by a chance. These degraded negatives are then printed in a darkroom making traditional c-type prints. With this work I want to raise questions about the nature and the place of photography in contemporary society.

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1. Erno-Erik Raitanen
2. Hunter Cole
3. Alexander Fleming
4. Eshel Ben-Jacob
5. Eshel Ben-Jacob

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