New money

New money

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Fondacija ukrajinskog bilionera Viktora Pinčuka ustanovila je novu nagradu u umetničkom svetu, The Future Generation Art Prize. Cilj uspostavljanja ove nagrade je otkrivanje novih talenata i pružanje podrške, ne samo finansijske, već i "stručne", s obzirom na to da će četvorica poznatih kolega biti mentori nagrađenom mladom umetniku.

Citat:The Future Generation Art Prize established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation is a worldwide contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and provide long-term support to a future generation of artists.
Artists around the world, without restriction of gender, nationality, race or artistic medium may enter the competition through online application.
20 shortlisted artists will be selected to show their work in an exhibition at the PinchukArtCentre (Kiev). These artists will be judged by an international Jury who will award one main prize and up to five special prizes.
The first prize will receive $100,000.

Citat:To encourage the assistance of one generation of artists to the next, a group of renowned Mentor Artists has committed its long-term participation in the Prize and will provide in-person counsel and support to the Prize winners, and one of the Mentor artists will have a parallel show at the same time as each shortlist exhibition. The Mentor Artists are Andreas Gursky, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons and Takashi Murakami.

A distinguished international Board oversees the Future Generation Art Prize. In addition to chairman Victor Pinchuk and the four Mentor Artists, the Board’s membership includes Eli Broad, Dakis Joannou, Elton John, Miuccia Prada and art museum directors Richard Armstrong (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and Museum), Glenn D. Lowry (The Museum of Modern Art), Alfred Pacquement (Musée nationale d’art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou) and Sir Nicholas Serota (Tate).

Pinčuk je odgovoran i za uspostavljanje (daleko skromnije) umetničke nagrade u rodnoj Ukrajini.

Citat:Pinchuk, 48, began to collect contemporary art five years ago, tapping the fortune he built through Interpipe, Ukraine’s biggest producer of steel pipes for oil and gas companies. He is a major buyer of works by Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Takashi Murakami, Andreas Gursky and others.
“First, I got the idea to have a national prize for Ukrainian artists three to four years ago,” said Pinchuk, clad in a gray suit and an open-collar shirt. “We launched the prize a year ago.”

The prize is an important step in forging the Ukrainian national identity, said Olga Sviblova, director of the Moscow- based Multimedia Art Museum, who is not involved in the award.

“It’s not only about Pinchuk’s passion for art,” she said in an interview in New York yesterday. “Almost 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia and the former republics are struggling to develop their identities. Contemporary art is a crucial factor in this tortuous process.”

About 1,100 Ukrainian artists applied online for the national prize. The award ceremony took place on Dec. 4. The winner, Artem Volokitin, received the $12,500 award from Hirst, who flew into Kiev for the evening, Pinchuk said. Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Wladimir Klitschko awarded the People’s Choice Prize.

Citat:“For me it’s very important to turn Kiev into one of the main centers of contemporary art in the world,” Pinchuk said. “There is New York. There’s London. And there will be Kiev. Everyone will come and say, ‘Wow!’”
Priznajem da je mene ovom izjavom ostavio bez teksta. Mr. Green

A poznajući radove četvorice umetnika-mentora, pitam se koliko je talenta potrebno za prijavljivanje? Very Happy

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