Preko pet hiljada golišavih

Preko pet hiljada golišavih

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Oko pet hiljada i dve stotine Australijanaca poziralo je nago za američkog umetnika Spensera Tjunika ispred zgrade Sidnejske opere u ponedeljak. Nagi ljudi se na njegovim inastalacijama pojavljuju počev od 1992. godine, na raznim lokacijama širom sveta. U Americi je zbog, pretpostavljam, narušavanja javnog reda i morala, hapšen nekoliko puta.

Asocijacije na ove fotografije su zaista brojne, od ideje povratka čoveka njegovom prirodnom stanju, ideje apsolutne jednakosti, o čemu svedoče i pojedini učesnici, do onih čisto formalnih, estetskih. Čini se da slike ovolikog broja nagih ljudi deluju i poprilično apokaliptično.

Citat: Titled Mardi Gras: The Base, the shoot was commissioned by Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras festival.
Many participants said they were surprised at how asexual the shoot was, despite the thousands of nude bodies congregating in one place, and others found it liberating.

Student, Art Rush, 19, said he thought it would be “all old people and nudists”, but was thrilled to participate. "I'll never get a chance to do this again, it's not worth being inhibited,'' Mr Rush said. "It doesn't feel sexual, it just feels tribal, a gathering of humanity.”

Steven Anglier, who wore a wig so he could stand out in the photo, agreed. "I thought it could be a bit awkward, but it's funny because when you're naked and everybody else is naked, you feel like you're dressed, because everybody looks the same," he said. "It's really a weird experience because you think there could be something sexual behind, but there's not."

Tunick, 43, says his work is not about exhibitionism or eroticism but instead reveals the vulnerability of life in a rough city landscape. However sometimes authorities have disagreed, particularly in the US, where Tunick has been arrested seven times.

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  • Spy
  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 9424
  • Gde živiš: Kako kad

Jaooo sto volim modernu umetnost Mr. Green ... New age art Razz ...

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