Poslao: 25 Apr 2009 17:13
- moonbeam_rider
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Feb 2009
- Poruke: 9
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Posto imam utisak da dosta ljudi nije svesno postojanje ove sjajne distribucije mislim da bi trebalo da ovde napisem neke osnovne stvari
Linux distribucija za malo naprednije korisnike ili one koji žele da bolje upoznaju funkcionisanje linuxa. Optimizovana je za i686 arhitekturu u 32 i 64 bitnoj varijanti i drži se KISS principa prezentovanog kroz "Arch način" (The Arch way).
- jednostavnost, iako se sve radi iz konzole, a sam distro instalira preko txt instalera (koji je pak vrlo jednostavan za upotrebu) skoro kompletna administracija se obavlja editovanjem konfiguracionih txt fajlova.
Za centralno podešavanje sistema se koristi /etc/rc.conf fajl, a sve potrebne skripte i servisi nalaze se, po BSD maniru, u /etc/rc.d
- distro koristi uglavnom ne-pačovane vanilla binarne pakete, a za manipulaciju istim se koristi jedan od najboljih package manager-a za linux zvani Pacman koga karakteriše izrazita jednostavnost, te brzina korišćenja i komfor sa jednostavnom sintaksom iako je isti konzolna aplikacija
- broj paketa na zvaničnim repoima iznosi nekih 10-ak hiljada a valja napomenuti da se koristi "cutting edge" softver koji se osvežava na dnevnoj bazi
Pored zvaničnih repoa postoji i AUR repo koga održava zajednica Arch korisnika i koji sadrži source aplikacija (pri čemu možete koristiti yaourt alatku koja zapravo predstavlja wrapper za pacman i koja omogućava da sa AUR-om manipulišete kao i sa regularnim repoima, tj. sve zavisnosti se automatski regulišu). Tu je i ABS (The Arch Build System) koji funkcioniše slično kao portage kod Gentoo-a ili port sistem kod FreeBSD-a, pa je korisnik slobodan da pored binarnih paketa koristi i naravno modifikuje source odnosno PKBUILD fajlove koji određuju paramtere kompajliranja, opet slično Gentoo ebuild skriptama
- Arch community je prilično ažuran, a broj korisnika ovog distroa znatan
Na raspolagnju je i sjajan forum i odlično sređen wiki
- Arch je tzv. "rolling release" distribucija
- Eventualni problemi mogu da nastanu sa paketima koji nedovoljno istestirani dospeju u repozitorijum, ali to su uglavnom sitnice. Većina takvih problema može lako da se reši preko pacmana putem downgrade-a, a sama filozofija distribucije podrazumeva da korisnik ima dovoljno znanja da sam administrira sistem (uz pomoć online zajednice).
- Arch je poznat i po posebnoj verziji KDE okruženja pod nazivom KDEmod koji predstavlja optimizovanu, modularnu i unapređenu varijantu KDE-a za Arch distribuciju koga takođe održava uvek ažurna Arch zajednica
Zvanična prezentacija
Arch Wiki
Arch BBS
Zvanično uputstvo za instalaciju
Uputstvo za početnike - PREPORUKA!!!
U pitanju je tekst koga sam svojevremeno napisao na SK forumu i koji je dodatno utegnut i doteran od strane moda(hvala GoranSTX-u)
Takodje možete i pročitati opis koji sam napisao i za SK(Svet Kompjutera)
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 30 Apr 2009 22:26
- nulti.korisnik
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 4505
- Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja
Da... Inace postoje opcije za superlak Arch linux (tacnije postoji distro zasnovan na njemu):
Cisto za laksu upotrebu archa (mada nisam probao ovaj chakra linux)
I naravno Arch planet (izvor dobrih informacija):
p.s. Arch ima definitivno najbolji wiki koji sam ja ikada video. Sve probleme sam resio koriscenjem ovog wikija (najbolje je da skinete kompletan wiki i da ga koristite offline). Pored gentoo linuxa ovo je definitivno najbolje dokumentovan linux (sa moje tacke gledista).
Poslao: 14 Dec 2009 15:13
- nulti.korisnik
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 4505
- Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja
Napisano: 21 Nov 2009 19:55
slike: http://images.google.com/images?q=arch%20linux
Informacije sa sajta:
Arch Linux is an independently developed, i686/x86-64 general purpose GNU/Linux distribution versatile enough to suit any role. Development focuses on simplicity, minimalism, and code elegance. Arch is installed as a minimal base system, configured by the user upon which their own ideal environment is assembled by installing only what is required or desired for their unique purposes. GUI configuration utilities are not officially provided, and most system configuration is performed from the shell by editing simple text files. Arch strives to stay bleeding edge, and typically offers the latest stable versions of most software.
Arch Linux uses its own Pacman package manager, which couples simple binary packages with an easy-to-use package build system. This allows users to easily manage and customize packages ranging from official Arch software to the user's own personal packages to packages from 3rd party sources. The repository system also allows users to easily build and maintain their own custom build scripts, packages, and repositories, encouraging community growth and contribution.
The minimal Arch base package set resides in the streamlined [core] repository. In addition, the official [extra], [community], and [testing] repositories provide several thousand high-quality, packages to meet your software demands. Arch also offers an [unsupported] section in the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR), which contains over 9,000 build scripts, for compiling installable packages from source using the Arch Linux makepkg application.
Arch Linux uses a "rolling release" system which allows one-time installation and perpetual software upgrades. It is not generally necessary to reinstall or upgrade your Arch Linux system from one "version" to the next. By issuing one command, an Arch system is kept up-to-date and on the bleeding edge.
Arch strives to keep its packages as close to the original upstream software as possible. Patches are applied only when necessary to ensure an application compiles and runs correctly with the other packages installed on an up-to-date Arch system.
To summarize: Arch Linux is a versatile, and simple distribution designed to fit the needs of the competent Linux® user. It is both powerful and easy to manage, making it an ideal distro for servers and workstations. Take it in any direction you like. If you share this vision of what a GNU/Linux distribution should be, then you are welcomed and encouraged to use it freely, get involved, and contribute to the community. Welcome to Arch!
Ostale teme na MyCity forumu vezane za arch:
http://www.mycity.rs/Linux/Arch-Linux-osnovne-stvari.html - linkovi do vecine korisnih strana na Arch linux wiki sajtu (http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php)
Zanimljive teme vezane za Arch linux:
http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20090914#feature (jedan ov pregleda ove distibucije)
http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Category:%D0%A.....0%BA%D0%B8 (arch wiki clanci na Srpskom)
Dopuna: 14 Dec 2009 15:13
Pored Chakra linuxa moram da napomenem da za Arch postoji i live varijanta sistema. Evo sajta za vise informacija:
Server na kome mozete naci sve verzije ovog distroa je
Decko redovno osvezava svoj blog i pise o novim programima koje dodaje u arch.
Poslao: 21 Avg 2011 07:43
- Brok
- Moderator foruma
- Mihajlo Bogdanović
- Linux driver - fighter - warrior
- Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 3259
Arch Linux 2011.08.19
Od novina tu su Linux jezgro 3.0.3, pacman 3.5.4, glibc 2.14, mkinitcpio 0.7.2, initscripts 2011.07.3 and netcfg 2.6.7 ...
Citat:Dieter Plaetinck has announced the release of Arch Linux 2011.08.19, the first new release of the Arch Linux installation media in 15 months: "Time for a much needed update to the Arch installation media, as the last release (2010.05) is not only quite outdated, but now yields broken installations if you do a netinstall. What has changed in this period of more than a year? Experimental support for Btrfs and NILFS2; support syslinux bootloader; changes to configuration formats to support new rc.conf and Linux 3.0; make selecting source more flexible; show package descriptions when installing packages; snapshot of current core, including Linux kernel 3.0.3, pacman 3.5.4, glibc 2.14, mkinitcpio 0.7.2, initscripts 2011.07.3 and netcfg 2.6.7...
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Poslao: 10 Okt 2012 14:28
- Brok
- Moderator foruma
- Mihajlo Bogdanović
- Linux driver - fighter - warrior
- Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 3259
Arch Linux 2012.10.06
Citat:The October release of the Arch Linux install medium is available for download and can be used for new installs or as a rescue system. It contains a set of updated packages and the following notable changes: systemd is used to boot up the live system; initscripts are no longer available on the live system but are still installed by default on the target system - this is likely to change in the near future; EFI boot and setup has been simplified; Gummiboot is used to display a menu on EFI systems; the following new packages are available on the live system: ethtool, FSArchiver, Gummiboot, Midnight Commander, Partclone, Partimage, rEFInd, rfkill, sudo, TestDisk, wget, xl2tpd.
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