Endeavour Mark II

Endeavour Mark II

  • Pridružio: 20 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 2416
  • Gde živiš: NS

"The most practical way to manage your UNIX files!"

Endeavour Mark II is a complete file management suite that comes with a File Browser, Image Browser, Archiver, Recycled Objects system, and a set of file & disk management utility programs.

* Two pane tree & list style File Browser.
* Image Browser with thumbs list and a pan & zoom image viewer.
* Archiver for viewing, creating, and extracting packages.
* Commercial quality user-interface design.
* Convient drag & drop operations.
* Drag & drop downloading with the WGet Front End.
* Extended MIME Types support with external import/export support for other MIME Type file formats.
* Fully customizable tool bars and list headings.
* A recycled objects system.
* Device and disk utility programs:
o Download - Front end for the GNU WGet
o HEdit - Hex editor
o SysInfo - CPU Display
o ZipTool - Front end for ZipTools

http://wolfpack.twu.net/Endeavour2/ (mrtav link)
http://freshmeat.net/projects/endeavour2/ (arhiviran download)

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