

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259


Vec je opisan u Windows Download sekciji.

Posto koriscenije Linux distribucije u zadnje vreme dolaze sa vec instaliranim paketom LibreOffice ne bi bilo zgoreg pomenuti ga i ovde.

Moze se instalirati na svakoj Linux distribuciji koja zadovoljava seldece zahteve:

Linux kernel version 2.6.18 or higher;
glibc2 version 2.5 or higher;
gtk version 2.10.4 or higher;
Pentium-compatible PC (Pentium III, Athlon or more-recent system recommended);
256Mb RAM (512Mb RAM recommended);
Up to 1.55Gb available hard disk space;
X Server with 1024x768 resolution (higher resolution recommended), with at least 256 colors;
Gnome 2.16 or higher, with the gail 1.8.6 and at-spi 1.7 packages (required for support for assistive technology [AT] tools), or another compatible GUI (such as KDE, among others).

Sadasnja stabilna verzija LibreOffice-a je 3.4.1.
Treba napomenuti da svi macro-i koji su obavljali posao u OpenOffice-u radice bez problema i u LibreOffice-u.

Home Page:

Na sajtu u padajucem meniju se moze odabrati zeljeni tip paketa za preuzimanje. Za Linux postoji vise tipova paketa, prema distribuciji i arhitekturi sistema, i to:

deb 32bit
deb 64bit
rpm 32 bit
rpm 64bit
source code

Download LibreOffice 3.4.1:

source code

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

LibreOffice 3.4.2

LibreOffice 3.4.2 je dostupan za preuzimanje za 32 i 64-bitne arhitekture.
U novoj verziji LibreOffice-a je dodato, obrisasno ili modifikovano ukupno pet miliona linija koda.

Od najvaznijih novina treba pomenuti sledece:

· ability to work with and import SVG files;
· import filter for Lotus Word Pro documents;
· import filter for Microsoft Works documents;
· easily format title pages and numbering in LibreOffice Writer;
· enhanced Navigator Tool in LibreOffice Writer;
· better ergonomics for cell and sheet management in LibreOffice Calc;
· PDF import support;
· slide-show presenter console;
· better report builder;
· comes bundled with lots of great extensions.


Home Page:

Download ( server):
Ubuntu 11.04 DEB 32bit

Ubuntu 11.04 DEB 64bit

Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM 32bit

Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM 64bit


Download Mirrors:

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

LibreOffice 3.5

LibreOffice 3.5 highlights:

new faster built-in grammar checker for English and several other languages
better header/footer/page break UI handling
new multi-line input bar in Calc
import filter for Microsot Visio documents
enhanced custom shapes import
built-in update checker
improved font hinting
better performances when importing files from other office suites
bug fixes

More What's new:


Home Page:


  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

LibreOffice 3.6

Citat:Support for importing Office SmartArt
PDF Export with Watermark option
Added Word Count to status bar
10 new Impress master pages
Support for color scales and data bars. Import from .xlsx and import/export from/to .ods in ODF 1.2 (extended)
Import Filter for Corel Draw documents
Writer: Support for contextual spacing
Writer: Format paintbrush can now differentiate character automatic formating applied to paragraphs from those applied to text portion inside the paragraph
Writer: VML import now handles lines, rotations and flips
Writer: RTF/DOCX import/export handles document zoom settings
Calc: New option to specify a custom sheet name prefix in new documents
Calc: Merge cells option added to right-click menu.
Calc: "Ctrl+D" fills down in more familiar ways, filling with contents of the cell above if no cell is selected, and, filling down multiple cells with larger selections
Calc: Export conditional formatting to .xlsx
Calc: Improved CVS file import
Calc: Added support for field items in cells
Calc: Sorting of data from the autofilter menu
Calc: Support for pasting only text, value, or formula from the context menu
Impress: Added widescreen format for Impress slideshows
Impress: Impress now correctly detects the external display and puts the presenter console on the local display
GUI: New Splash Screen and About dialog
GUI: Rulers are now much cleaner and more light-weight
GUI: New artwork for the Start Office
GUI: GTK themes are now able to render background gradient and have a way for tab prelight rendering.
Performance improvements and many bug fixes

What's new [all]:


Home Page:


Download and How To Install to *buntu distributions:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Za korisnike Gnome 3 grafičkog okruženj ako bude problema treba instalirati GTK3 podršku
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gtk3

Za LibreOffice 3.6 finale još uvek nije dotupan zvanični repozitorijum već je ovaj za LibreOffice 3.6.0 RC1. Kaže se da se bez problema može instalirati i da će ubrzo stići finale (zapravo se navodi i da nema razlike). Nešto nalik kao što se desilo sa GIMP-om verzije 2.8 kada se nedavno pojavio.
Inače na sajtu LibreOffice je momentalno takva "gužva" da se stranice dosta sporo učitavaju.

Napomena 2
Ako instalirate LibreOffice a propustili ste nekoliko verzija ažuriranja trebalo bi pre ažuriranja obrisati staru konfiguracije i ektenzije LibreOffice-a
rm -r ~/.config/libreoffice/3/user/extensions

Source code:

Download Mirrors:

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

LibreOffice 4.0

Citat:The most important changes in LibreOffice 4.0 include:

Better interoperability with DOCX and RTF documents;
Possibility to import Microsoft Publisher documents;
Integration with several content and document management systems – including Alfresco, IBM FileNet P8, Microsoft Sharepoint 2010, Nuxeo, OpenText and others;
Writer: allow different header and footer on the first page without using a separate page style;
Introduction of the widget layout technique for dialog windows, which makes it easier to translate, resize and hide UI elements, reduces code complexity, and lays a foundation for a much improved user interface
Linux: GStreamer 1.0 support, and refactor existing Gstreamer code;
New templates manager;
PDF Import, the Presenter Console, and the Python Scripting Provider are no longer bundled extensions but core features;
Significant performance improvements when loading and saving many types of documents.


PPA for Ubuntu and other Ubuntu clones:
sudo apt-get purge libreoffice-core
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice

Home Page:


Source code:

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