NVU - Kompozer (upd. 21.05.2009. Komp. ver. 0.8a4)

NVU - Kompozer (upd. 21.05.2009. Komp. ver. 0.8a4)

  • joe 
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  • Pridružio: 15 Dec 2003
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NAPOMENA: ovaj post je izmenjen i dopunjen 20.04.2009. Bocke

Citat:Finally! A complete Web Authoring System for Linux Desktop users as well as Microsoft Windows and Macintosh users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

Nvu (pronounced N-view, for a "new view") makes managing a web site a snap. Now anyone can create web pages and manage a website with no technical expertise or knowledge of HTML.

Citat:About Nvu

Nvu (pronounced "N-view," for a "new view") is a free, open source software program that allows you to build websites and web pages using a simple WYSIWYG editor (what-you-see-is-what-you-get). Nvu makes creating web pages as easy as using a word processor and rivals such programs as Adobe's Dreamweaver and Microsoft's Expression Web, only for free! With Nvu's built-in site manager, connecting to your website and making changes is a snap.

Nvu's History

The Nvu Open Source project was started several years ago by Linspire, Inc. At that time, Linspire was committed to bringing Desktop Linux to the masses, and realized that an easy-to-use web authoring system was needed for Linux to continue its expansion to the Desktop. Linspire contributed significant capital, expertise, servers, bandwidth, marketing, and other resources to bring Nvu to life, not just for Linux, but also for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac users.

Linspire contracted with Daniel Glazman from Disruptive Innovations to be the lead developer and maintainer for the Nvu project. Daniel was the chief architect for Mozilla Composer and brought a tremendous amount of experience and expertise to the Nvu project.

Nvu was started from the Mozilla Composer code base, as the Mozilla Internet suite was broken up into individual pieces (browser, email, etc.). Nvu picked up where Composer left off, adding additional features, functionality and ease of use.

Linspire abandoned the Nvu project when it was sold to Xandros in 2008. Fortunately, Fabien Cazenave picked up the project and started updating Nvu under the name Kompozer. Both Nvu and Kompozer versions can be found on our Download page.

Zvanična strana:


NVU je projekat koji je pokrenuo Linspire. Baziran je na Mozilla Composeru i sadrži poboljšanja i dodatne mogućnosti. Pre nekoliko godina Linspire je napustio projekat. Sa zvanične strane je još uvek moguće skinuti binarne verzije za Windows i Mac OS X. 2006 nastaje Kompozer, nezvanično izdanje NVU sa ispravljenim greškama. Kompozer se i dan danas razvija, ali dosta sporo i nove verzije se izdaju vrlo retko.


Citat: Easy web authoring

KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing.

KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive, professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding.

Mini-FAQ ::Why call it «KompoZer» instead of «Nvu»?

Because « Nvu and the Nvu logo are trademarks of Linspire Inc. »
As Linspire stopped the development of Nvu, there is no legal way to correct any bug in Nvu.

Why is it only a 0.7.10 version?

Because for 99% of the developers in the world, including myself, a «1.0» version means it's ready for professional use. Nvu is very far from that.

KompoZer is already much more stable than Nvu, but there are some bugfixes and features that are necessary before I can decently call it a 1.0 version.
Is there a development roadmap?

Sort of:

* 0.7 branch: fix most of the CSS editor's bugs;
* 0.8 branch: implement a decent site manager;
* 0.9 branch: fix most bugs of the HTML editor, especially the code output.

Sorry, no ETA.

How can I help this project?

You can:

* provide support in user forums;
* report bugs of suggest requests for enhancements (RFE);
* contribute code patches or binary builds (a steady MacOS X contributor is wanted);
* translate KompoZer and contribute langpacks;

and of course, you can support KompoZer's development by donating.

Zvanična strana:


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • gamzzy 
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Program koji je na dobrom putu da bude konkurent čuvenom Dreamweaver-u Smile

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Ne bih rekao. Mozda da ga vise ljudi koristi. Trebace mu dosta vremena da se probije.

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Za sad se moram sloziti sa Danilom, trebace mu dosta vremena da dostigne (i prestigne, nadam se) Dreamweaver...

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Ako poboljšaju wysiwyg opcije .. možda Smile

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Pa polako, koristice ga... ima vremena.. i Dreamweaver 1.0 je bio tako dobar svojevremeno da sam ja i dalje radio webstrane u TextEd-u...

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Napisano: 25 Dec 2005 10:05

Biće... Ja sam ga malo koristio i pod Win i pod Lin... Ali NVU je baziran na Netscape Editoru i još uvek vuče neke njegove mane... Ali ima potencijala i ja verujem da će postati ozbiljan alat. Doduše ne vidim znakove aktivnosti na sajtu... Ali nisam proveravao CVS, tako da ne znam kako napreduje razvoj...

Malo je rogobatan i teško je naviknuti se... Ali nije daleko od recim Dreamweavera 4... Još malo. Smile

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2009 16:27

Kompozer 0.8a2

Citat:A little step forward. This new alpha should solve ~50% of all bugs that have been reported for KompoZer 0.8a1, among which:

* broken cut/copy (!)
* missing toolbar icons and other bugs in the CSS editor
* “getIntPref” error in the font preferences window
* non-working “View > HTML source” menu item

Ongoing work

There are still a lot of bugs to fix, that should keep me busy for some time. At least, this release should be decently usable on recent GNU/Linux distros: KompoZer 0.7 crashes with GTK 2.14, KompoZer 0.8 doesn't. Overall, KompoZer 0.8 is much more stable than Nvu 1.0 or KompoZer 0.7.

The next big item on my TODO-list is the site manager. The current one doesn’t work any more with remote files: please use this site manager with local folders only, and use an FTP client to publish your files. I’ll do my best to implement a DreamWeaver-like dual view (local/remote) as soon as possible.

Some work has to be done on the DOM sidebar, it definitely requires some code optimization and bugfixes. I also plan to link the CSS tree to the CSS editor, i.e. double-clicking on a CSS rule should open the CSS editor on the selected rule. However, and though I love this DOM panel (especially to visualize the effect of Alt+arrows keyboard shortcuts), it’s not a high-priority item: if it’s not ready for the final 0.8 release, I could still disable it.

Quite a few users complain about the lack of a “source” tab. I’m afraid that’s the very last item in my TODO-list: Nvu’s pseudo syntax highlighting requires to patch the core quite heavily, so I’ll work on all the current bugs before trying to re-implement this source tab. I might use SeaMonkey Composer’s source tab in the next alpha release — i.e. without any syntax highlighting. Meanwhile, please give the new source dock a try: spend a few minutes to get used to the keyboard shortcuts (Alt+Enter, Alt+arrows), use the status bar or the DOM panel to select an element, you’ll see it can be a very efficient way to work on the source.

Via KazHack: http://kazhack.org/?post/2009/04/02/KompoZer-0.8a2


Dopuna: 21 Maj 2009 15:35

Kompozer 0.8a4

Citat:Another step forward. For KompoZer 0.8a3 / 0.8a4 I’ve focused on these points:

* bugfixes and improvements on HTML source edition
* dual local/remote view in the site manager
* localization

KompoZer 0.8a4

KompoZer 0.8a3 has introduced a bug in the new site manager and two regressions in the CSS editor, this alpha4 is mainly a bugfix of the alpha3. It’s also the first build I propose on the official website.

Via KazHack: http://kazhack.org/?post/2009/05/04/KompoZer-0.8a3
Via KazHack: http://kazhack.org/?post/2009/05/14/KompoZer-0.8a4

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