SimpleBurner [ver 0.2.2]

SimpleBurner [ver 0.2.2]

  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12534
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol


Još jedna komandna alatka? Što da ne. Pogotovo ako olakšava neki od zadataka koji zahtevaju mnogo bolje poznavanje komandnih alata na Linuks operativnom sistemu. Ovo je mali skript za pisanje CD/DVD diskova iz komandne linije. Vrlo je jednostavan za korišćenje, pisan je u Perlu i ima mali broj vrlo jednostavnih opcija.


Simpleburner,written to make Your burning CD/DVD's easier. It's working under the CLI environment,
unlike bashburn it don't have UI. From now You could burn Your CD/DVD with only one command!


perl(>=5.10.0) -
cdrkit -


To get the source of simpleburner run:
$ git clone git://
And then install with command:
# install -Dm simpleburner/ /usr/bin/simpleburner
You could also install it with PKGBUILD from AUR


To burn Your CD You must put Your files into default /tmp/burner directory or run burner with —data=/your/burndata/directory option


If You create iso image, by default You'll find it in /tmp directory but You could set Your own location


help - print help message
test - run in test burn mode
b|burn-only - run without making iso image (‘—name=/full/path/to/image.iso’iso option must be defined) m|makeiso - make only iso image (without burn), by default Your iso file will be stored in /tmp
data=s - set directory willth data to burn (default /tmp/burner)
name=s - set name of iso file (defaultault cd.iso)
burner=s - set burner to use (default /dev/sr0)

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