Ungoogled Chromium
Varijanta Chromiuma (Chromium je open source baza na kojoj Google izgrađuje Chrome, bez Google brandinga) bez Google integracije i sa (relativno) pojačanim siguronosnim opcijama.
Citat:ungoogled-chromium is a set of configuration flags, patches, and custom scripts. These components altogether strive to accomplish the following:
Disable or remove offending services and features that communicate with Google or weaken privacy
Strip binaries from the source tree, and use those provided by the system or build them from source
Add, modify, or disable features that inhibit control and transparency (these changes are minor and do not have significant impacts on the general user experience)
https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/releases (source, takođe i binarne verzije za Ubuntu)
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