Najnoviji clan u ovoj porodici. Nisam jos uvek imao prilike da ga isprobam (uskoro). Tako da samo prenosim info sa zvanicnog sajta:
Citat:Wine-doors is an application designed to make installing windows software on Linux, Solaris or other Unix systems easier. Wine-doors is essentially a package management tool for windows software on Linux systems. Most Linux desktop users are familiar with package management style application delivery, so it made sense to apply this model to windows software.
Wine-doors works by leveraging the exquisite software, libraries and tools created over at WineHQ, there are also plans to support Cedega, cvscedega and Crossover Office.
Wine-doors is developed and styled to fit in with the GNOME desktop but is fairly portable and a user interface could be developed for KDE. As a GNOME application Wine-doors employs pygtk, glade and cairo to represent itself to the user, we also endeavour to follow the tango style guidelines for application icon artwork.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Skripta za instalciju Internet Explorera 5, 5.5 i 6 pod Linuxom. Glavna svrha ovog skripta je omogucavanje web dizajnerima da testiraju strane i pod Internet Explorerom direktno u Linuksu bez potrebe za instalacijom Windowsa ili restartom sistema. Ni nju nisam jos uvek probao, pa cu takodje morati samo da prenesem info sa zvanicnog sajta:
What is IEs4Linux?
IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux (or any OS running Wine).
No clicks needed. No boring setup processes. No Wine complications. Just one easy script and you'll get three IE versions to test your Sites. And it's free and open source.
Who is the target public?
* WebDesigners that want to move to Linux but still need to test their sites on IE.
* People who have to open IE-only sites
The IEs installations are smaller than usual because they include only the necessary files to have a good test browser (there is no Outlook, Media Player etc).
Please, don’t use any of these IEs to navigate!! Get Firefox.
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Wine Tools
Ovaj skript sam stvarno davno probao i utisci nisu svezi, zato prenosim samo info sa zvanicne strane. Listu podrzanih aplikacija mozete naci ovde: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] .
Citat:WineTools is a menu driven installer for installing about 90 Windows programs under the x86 (Athlon or Intel PC) processor architecture with the Linux operating system using Wine. This software lets you install the following Windows software:
* DCOM98
* IE6
* Windows Core Fonts
* Windows System Software
* Office & Office Viewer
* Adobe Photoshop 7, Illustrator 9
* many other programs
It also sets up your .wine directory in the correct way, downloads the files to install from the web (only the free and shareware ones for sure), installs Windows fonts and lets you uninstall and configure your software. And it does much more than Sidenet, although older versions used to use a part of the configuration for IE6 (thanks for that!).
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Sidenet Wine Configuration
Ovaj projekat vise nije aktivan, ali mozda ce nekome jos uvek koristiti. Najbolje bi ga bilo zaobici, ali ako ste bas radoznali mozete ga i probati.
Inace, svojevremeno sam ga probao i sasvim solidno je odradjivao ono sto je tvrdio da moze.
Install fake-windows environment automatically.
i18n for file downloading and base setup.
Includes base fonts and ReactOS Explorer.
Creats KDE, Gnome and Debian menus.
You can choose "configure only" option to make 100% M$-free environment.
Installs Internet Exploere 6 and Windows Media Player automatically.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Nekoliko generalnih linkova ka dokumentaciji za Wine:
Vodici za pojedine igre: - World of Warcraft - GTA 3 Civilization IV - Future Pinball - Half Life, Half Life II, Counter Strike 1.6, Counter Strike Source, Steam
Pre instalacije bilo koje igre/programa proverite da li postoje verzije za Linux. Mala napomena: ako dolaze iz Microsofta, sigurno ne postoje Linux verzije.
Za veliki broj Windows programa postoje alternative. Samo je potrebno uhodavanje i navikavanje. Sto se tice gaminga na Linuxu i igara koje postoje i za Linux, o tome se na ovom forumu dugo nije pricalo (2/3 godine)... S obzirom da ja i inace slabo igram igre, nisam do sada o tome pisao. Elem, to ce se promeniti. Planiram da tu i tamo iskopam neki interesantan link ili neku nativnu linux igru. Za ljubitelje malih arkadnih igara (Linux korisnice, devojke muskih korisnika Linuxa, mame, tetke i po koji tata su poznati kao takvi ) Linux je idealna platforma. Takvih igara ima na tone. Sto se tice ozbiljnijih igara i tu se nadje poneshto. Ali je situacija mnogo loshija nego za Win. Srecom neke od vodecih kompanija (poput ID Software) pruzaju podrsku i za Linux, a postoji i nekoliko interesantnih nativnih open source igara.