20 alata za nadzor sistema koje bi trebalo da zna svaki sisadmin. (eng)
Autor: Vivek Gite
Izvor: cyberciti.biz
Licenca: ©2004-2010 nixCraft. All rights reserved
Ovaj članak (koji nažalost nije pod slobodnom licencom i ne može se preneti u potpunosti) se bavi alatima za merenje preformansi i monitoring linuks servera. Pored kratkog opisa članak sadrži i kratke savete za upotrebu sa najčešće korišćenim opcijama. Najveći deo alata je podrazumevano instaliran na većini Linuks distribucija.
Citat:Need to monitor Linux server performance? Try these built-in command and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions are equipped with tons of monitoring. These tools provide metrics which can be used to get information about system activities. You can use these tools to find the possible causes of a performance problem. The commands discussed below are some of the most basic commands when it comes to system analysis and debugging server issues such as:
1. Finding out bottlenecks.
2. Disk (storage) bottlenecks.
3. CPU and memory bottlenecks.
4. Network bottlenecks.
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