Kreiranje VPN korišćenjem Remobo aplikacije

Kreiranje VPN korišćenjem Remobo aplikacije

  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12533
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol

Remobo je besplatan softverski paket za keriranje VPN (virtual private network - virtualna privatna mreža). Remobo omogućava lako kreiranje P2P mreža između pojedinačnih računara. Sadrži sigurni P2P chat klijent i file sharing komponentu. U podešavanjima je moguće podesiti bilo koju 3rd party aplikaciju za korišćenje kreirane VPN. Remobo je dostupan za Windows, Mac OS X i Linuks.

Citat:Remobo is a free software which can be used to replace the paid versions of existing difficult to use VPN setups as it can create a VPN instantly and securely. It lets you login easily and add users to your buddy list, and create a secure network for you. In private chat messaging, the file sharing client helps share information within the buddy list as well. Remobo lets you control your computer and access files securely while away from the system.

It also creates a direct, peer-to-peer connection between your computers to attain maximum speed. We can share files amongst computers, friends, and family in a private and encrypted format using BitTorrent and run games apart from running business apps such as video conferencing, streaming media, secure instant messaging etc. Almost any 3rd party application can be run on top of Remobo using the VPN setup.

Ubuntu Geek vodič

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