You'll need to create a desktop shortcut for this to work:
- right-click on the desktop and click Create Launcher
- in the Name field, type something like "Send file via bluetooth".
- in the command field, type gnome-obex-send
- give it a cool icon if you wish (I like the road icon near the top of the list)
- Click OK to create the shortcut.
- from now on, just drag and drop a file onto the shortcut to send it via bluetooth. You'll then be able to choose your device in the dialog that comes up (assuming that your phone is set to be "visible" so it can be detected by other bluetooth devices)
hvala bocke probacu sutra da li radi (drug mi je uzeo bluetooth pre 3 min pa mi vraca tek sutra)!
m.p. Prvo sto sam uradio jeste search ali nisam nasao nijednu temu koja mi je trebala (ukucam bluetooth ali search izbaci nesto drugo... Lose imenujemo topice pa zbog toga treba daleko vise akrobacija u searchu da bi se doslo do zeljenog topica)!