Poslao: 19 Avg 2008 18:43
- Pridružio: 09 Jun 2004
- Poruke: 137
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Kao što rekoh u naslovu, imam dilemu. Igrom slučaja sam do daljnjeg oduđen na jako mator komp - 128MB SDRAMa koji, jelte, ne mogu da dodajem, 20 GB hard disk i Duron 750 MHz. Pod XPom je jezivo spor i na sve načine sam pokušao da ga osposobim ali se ne da. Da slika bude upotpunjena, osuđen sam i na dial-up konekciju jer imam analognu centralu, tojest analogni priključak. Dakle, situacija za ubiti se.
Treba mi savet. Da li bi prelaskom na Linux mogao da, uslovno rečeno, ubrzam ovog dedu, tojest da mi rad na njemu ne predstavlja mučenje? U vezi sa tim, da li uopšte postoji distribucija koja bi radila na ovom računaru, a da ne bude zakucavanje kao na winu? Totalni sam average korisnik - muzika, filmovi, internet, eventualno odudaram jer ću imati instaliran MySQL...
I pre nego što mi neko predloži da gorepomenuti precenjeni digitron bacim u Dunav i kupim novi komp... Da sam u mogućnosti da to uradim ne bih postavljao ovu temu.
Hvala unapred!
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 19 Avg 2008 18:51
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12532
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
Puppy Linux
Citat:What is Puppy Linux?
Okay, let's get the basics out the way first. If you just want to get on and see Puppy in action for yourself head off to the Manual for instructions on downloading, burning and booting ISOs. Or, if you're actually wondering what on earth an operating system actually is, or what Linux is, or what makes Puppy different, or what it might be able to do for you, read on...
Operating Systems, Linux and little Puppies
Puppy Linux is an operating system, which means it is that which makes a computer able to function at all, it is that which allows all the hardware on a computer to talk to each other and that which enables applications to run. Other famous operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple's OSX and MSDOS. Puppy takes its ancestory from Linux and so, like most other Linux-based operating systems, it is a completely free and open source.
There are a number of things that make Puppy different from other Linux derivatives, but the most significant is its small size, around 80MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features;
* 'Live' booting from CDs, USB sticks and other portable media.
* Ability to run entirely from RAM, making it unusually fast and particularly relevant to modern PCs with solid state CF drives, such as Wyse & HP/Compaq 'thin clients' and the ASUS EeePC & similar 'next generation' hand-helds.
* Very low minimum system requirements, runs happily on old Pentiums with as little as 32Mb RAM.
* Sub-60 second boot times.
Usability and Compatibility
Though Puppy is small, it's still able to offer the complete range of a applications you'd expect to see on any average computer, like wordprocessors, spreadsheets, internet browsers, games and image editors. Extra software comes in the form of dotpets and dotpups and there are a number of methods to find and install them. There is a Puppy Software Installer (for Puppy 2, for Puppy 3) that offers repository searches and automatic installations, or this website offers the ability to browse and search repositories -- the Puppy forum is also a good place to find newer or rarer applications and drivers.
Puppy is aimed to be as easy to use as possible and very little technical knowledge is assumed. As much hardware is automatically detected as possible, you will often find that, whereas on other operating systems you had to install extra driver software to get your particular device functioning, Puppy will succesfully detect and install the driver without user prompting.
Whose idea was this?
Puppy Linux was first released in June 2003 by Barry Kauler, it was and still is a project for the sheer love of it. Barry just develops his official Puppy versions, he isn't responsibile for setting up the forum or this website, these are community efforts. The community, in fact, is completely organic without any formal agenda or structure. It often takes newcomers a while to realise that there aren't really any rules to Puppy, if you want to do something, make a new Puplet, offer your skills or take things in a new direction you can just do that, no-one will stop you!.
Poslao: 19 Avg 2008 21:23
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12532
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
Mislim da je Puppy softverski kompletniji i atraktivniji od Damn Small Linuxa. DSL je više alat za "hitnu upotrebu", dok s druge strane Puppy može biti korišćen svakodnevno. Takođe, biblioteka softvera za Puppy je mnogo veća (http://www.puppylinux.org/node/9), ima svoj sistem upravljanja paketima (nalik na apt-get) i odličnu podršku zajednice.
Uz puppy ne stiže mplayer, ali je zato tu xine. No, da... Bobby je u pravu: verovatno će biti potrebna dodatna instalacija nekih kodeka (quicktime, divx).
Poslao: 20 Avg 2008 13:37
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12532
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
128 je malo za moderne distribucije. Čak ni 6.06 neće raditi sa toliko malo rama. 128mb je minimum za XFCE, za Gnome ili KDE su prohtevi veći. Nisam upućen u tačnu tehniku kako se Puppy pokreće sa diska i da li se učitava u memoriji, ali siguran sam da postoji način kako da se to izbegne. Mada sumnjam da je potrošnja memorije preterano značajna.
Puppy za prikaz desktopa koristi custom desktop okruženje bazirano na jwm i sopstvenom menadžeru ikonica. S druge strane daje izbor korišćenja i svedenog X servera, što u određenim situacijama može značajno smanjiti potrošnju memorije.
Na 128mb rama bi trebali da rade Firefox i Thunderbird (64mb minimum), a OpenOffice bi najverovatnije kočio (mislim da je upravo 128mb minimum). S druge strane AbiWord i Gnumeric bi radili sasvim ok i bez problema..
U principu, na toj mašini možeš da pokreneš svaku distribuciju, ali ne i koristeći podrazumevani softver koji dolazi uz nju. Jedna od stvari koje ćeš definitivno morati da menjaš je desktop okruženje. Imaš izbor nekoliko lightweight desktop okruženja ili opciju sklapanja sopstvenog DE koristeći neophodne elemente (window manager, desktop manager, file manager, panel).
Dopuna: 20 Avg 2008 13:37
Možda će ti pomoći sledeći članak: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/librar.....inuxMemory
Pretraži Google. Siguran sam da ima dosta članaka na temu korišćenja Linuksa na sistemima sa ograničenom memorijom. Btw, ukoliko bi mašinu nadogradio na 512mb ram-a mogao bi da instaliraš bilo koji Linuks i istovremeno da uživaš u fancy efektima compiz fusiona. Možda vredi pretresti i male oglase.
Poslao: 20 Avg 2008 15:12
- Pridružio: 09 Jun 2004
- Poruke: 137
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Probao sam Puppy Linux, iznenadio se brzinom live CD varijante, pro;itao ceo user manual i tek onda video da ne prepoznaje modem. U dokumentaciji piše da podržava tek nekoliko soft modema... Pored toga, nije mi jasno šta se desilo sa zvukom. Prepoznao mi je zvučnu kartu (sound blaster 5.0, nije integrisana) ali nije bilo zvuka. Mošda je to do live CD varijante...
Obavio sam pretragu na distrowatch-u po savetu FarscapeFan-a i vratila mi se lista od 29 predloga. sad šaram...
Da, pokušaću da izbunarim negde sdram, ali nisam optimista... Mada, počinjem da bivam zaražen linuxom i verujem da ću čim nabavim neki normalan komp početi da koristim linux.
U svakom slučaju, hvala vam svima, pa ako neko ima još neki predlog...
Poslao: 20 Avg 2008 16:47
- Kerber
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 25 Mar 2004
- Poruke: 816
Ne bi bilo loše da navedeš na koji modem si osuđen.
Što se tiče preporuke, ja bih ti preporučio Vector Linux Light Edition, sad jedini problem ostaje tvoj modem.
Light Edition
The Light Edition maintains the VectorLinux philosophy of speed and stability, but is designed for older computers, for those with hard disk space concerns, for those who are not easily able to download a full 700 MB ISO, or for those who appreciate bloat-free, fast computing.It is based upon the lightweight and fast Jwm, Lxde and Fluxbox window managers. It is supplied with Opera as the browser/email/chat client and also includes some of the applications found in our Standard Edition.Additional applications are available through the package manager or by compiling your own applications This distro edition is usable on computers with only 64 MB of RAM.
Poslao: 20 Avg 2008 17:56
- Pridružio: 09 Jun 2004
- Poruke: 137
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Modem je Conexant v92 soft modem (ili je možda v90, nisam siguran, kuckam ovo sa drugog računara). Tako ga sistem prepoznaje u device menageru.
Poslao: 20 Avg 2008 18:26
- dekao
- Moderator foruma
- Dejan Trajković
- Realist painter
- Pridružio: 06 Apr 2006
- Poruke: 3601
- Gde živiš: Somewhere in time
Conexant je podržan pod linuxom. Samo treba da proveriš da li je u pitanju HSF ili HCF modem i da skineš odgovarajući drajver.