PCLinuxOS novosti!


PCLinuxOS novosti!

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1704
  • Gde živiš: U svom mestu

Mnogi korisnici ovog distroa sa nestrpljenjem ocekuju izlazak nove verzije (PCLOS2009), stoga evo par dobrih informacija sa njihovog zvanicnog foruma koje su izasle 24.1.2009:

PCLOS zvanicni forum ::Hi guys, Well, it's almost time for the BIG UPDATE!

Once again, we do apologize for the long wait and size of this update, but many hiccups along the way conspired against us. The Rippers have been working for months on this to make it as trouble free as humanly possible. We're hoping there won't be too many problems.

Here are the rules for this update:
1. BACKUP your important files just in case!
2. Get your install FULLY UPDATED NOW. Once the package move is done in a few days it will be too late.
3. If you've not listened to us in the past, and have installed outside rpms, hacked in tarballs, etc; There's no way we can help you. We don't know what you've done or how you did it. For us to help you we would need to re-create your actions and we just don't have the time to do it. So please don't ask for support because we just don't know how to fix your problems.
4. Don't do anything until we say OK. Once we make the move on our end it will take at least 48 hours for all the repos to sync up. We'd rather not have to deal with a bunch of questions caused by problems due to premature incomplete downloads.
5. BACKUP your important files just in case!

A little explanation of things:
This update will be done in two or three stages. You will be running a Reload-Mark All-Apply at least twice, and doing a full reboot in between. The first stage update will be HUGE. Its size will depend on what version of PCLOS you have installed and how much stuff you've added to your install.

During this stage a new repository section (gnome) will be automatically added to all your repository entries. If you don't understand this, don't worry about it; it should all work transparently. The second stage will be relatively small and consist just of updating a few of the gnome libraries and whatnot. The third stage, updating your kernel, is optional, but VERY highly recommended.

Finally, if at any stage of the update the system complains of a missing package or dependency error, cancel the update and please report the issue you are getting.

Here we go!
First, open Synaptic and do a Reload-Mark All Upgrades-Apply. Now go watch TV for a while. This could take hours depending on your download speed and how much you have to update. At some point during this update you should get a screen pop-up with basically the same instructions I'm giving here. If you don't see it, look for it flashing in your taskbar. Click on it to bring the screen up and click OK. If you never see the screen or blinking in the taskbar, don't worry about it. The KEY here is to just be sure the download and updates are fully completed and Synaptic returns to its idle stage. You may see Synaptic errors but don't worry about them. Once you're SURE Synaptic is fully done, close it and do a full reboot.

Now open Synaptic again and do another Reload-Mark All-Apply. This will be a fairly small update of the gnome libs, etc. When Synaptic has once again completed this update do another full reboot.

The third step is semi-optional but HIGHLY recommended. This is the kernel update. Some of you may already have gotten this update depending on your PCLOS version, etc. Open Synaptic and click Search. Type in,
in the search box and click Search. The package will appear in the package list. Right click on the package and click Mark for Installation. This will pick up a total of three dependent packages. Just accept them and click Apply. Wait for them to completely install then reboot once again.
When the grub boot screen appears, you should now see the new kernel as a boot option at the bottom of the list. Just select it and hit enter. Booting into a new kernel for the first time can take a while as some dkms packages build new drivers into the kernel, etc. You may also see some build errors but don't worry about them; just wait it out till it finishes and gets to the desktop.

You have now updated your install very close to what will become the 2009 Final release. Updates after this will get you the rest of the way when the time comes.

We don't anticipate many X problems or black screen loads, but some of you with ATI or nVidia proprietary drivers installed may find you've been rolled back to a generic driver. If so, just run PCC-Hardware-Setup Graphical Server and reselect your Graphic Card, answer Yes to the proprietary driver question, and follow through with the instructions.

We'll all do our best to support you guys with any unseen problems but remember rule #1, BACKUP YOUR IMPORTANT FILES just in case.
Thanks for using PCLinuxOS

PS, If you've been using the Georgia Tech repo please switch to something else, for some reason they haven't updated it in some time.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

PSS, As this will be a VERY big download I'm sure some of you may experience an interupted download for whatever reason. So please remember,
If you get a question like this, "Some packages could not be retrieved" - "Continue ignoring these programs ?", NEVER EVER answer Yes!!! If you get this message answer NO and then click APPLY again to restart the download.
To insure you won't have to start from scratch again you might want to first open Synaptic, then click Settings-Repositories. Click the Files tab and set the Temporary Files to "Leave all downloaded packages in cache", then Apply-OK. After you've completed the BIG UPDATE you could then go back there and reset it to the original setting, and also click "Delete Cached Package Files" to regain the hard drive space.


Takodje jos jedna bitna informacija koja se tice repoa i Synaptic-a:

PCLOS zvanicni forum ::For some reason, Georgia Tech seems to have stopped mirroring Ibiblio as of April 6, 2008. Those of you using the Georgia Tech repository should switch to a different repository mirror so you can update your systems.

To check what repository you're using:

-Open Synaptic
-Go to Settings--> Repositories
-You should have one and only one box checked. Please do not enable the Ibiblio repo.
-If this is the URL that is checked, please un-check it and check another:

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 816

Izvršio sam update i sve je prošlo mahom bez većih problema sem kod izbora kernela. Kernel je odbio da sarađuje, brljavio kod NTFS particija, te sam naknadno ubacio i za sad šljaka sasvim solidno.

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1704
  • Gde živiš: U svom mestu

Kernel ce biti u finalnoj verziji PCLOS-a 2009 tako da treba direktno ici na njega, inace zbog velike guzve i pada brzine DL-a za sad sam odustao od update-a. Kako za sad stvari stoje apdejt nije krenuo sa svih servera pa je trenutno velika guzva, ali kako i ostali budu pustali verovatno ce doci do razgusenja. Kod mene velicina apdejta iznosi 720mb, tako da mi ovaj pad brzine DL-a nikako ne odgovara. Inace koliko sam primetio za sad u repou nema verzije KDE4 koja ce doci sa PCLOS2009, ciji skori dolazak najavljuje i pocetak "BIG UPDATE". Jos jedna interesantna stvar je da je apdejt prvo krenuo sa "ibiblio" repoa, onog koji je pre neki dan bio otpisan, i za sad samo preko njega i ide.

  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 816

Ibiblio je oduvek bio main repo sa kog su ostali vukli. Ne razumem kako to misliš sad "bio otpisan" ?

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1704
  • Gde živiš: U svom mestu

Ovo je jos pre neki dan izaslo na zvanicnom PCLOS forumu, a stavio sam ga u postu iznad.

PCLOS zvanicni forum ::For some reason, Georgia Tech seems to have stopped mirroring Ibiblio as of April 6, 2008. Those of you using the Georgia Tech repository should switch to a different repository mirror so you can update your systems.

To check what repository you're using:

-Open Synaptic
-Go to Settings--> Repositories
-You should have one and only one box checked. Please do not enable the Ibiblio repo.
-If this is the URL that is checked, please un-check it and check another:

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]


  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 816

Tu piše da je Georgia Tech prestao da se sinhronizuje sa Ibiblio od aprila 2008. Preporučuju da se odabere neki drugi i zaobiđe Ibiblio da ne bi došlo do njegovog preopterećenja

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1704
  • Gde živiš: U svom mestu

Koliko se ja razumem u engleski ovde pise da je Georgia Tech prestala da daje podrsku za "ibiblio", i sugerisu da se ancekira "ibiblio" i predje na neku drugu adresu kako bi se apdejtovao sistem, a ne zbog preoptercenja istog. Mada je kasnija stigla naknadna informacija, koju nisma stigao da prenesem ovde, da ce ipak "ibiblio" biti oporavljen u roku od 24h, sto se i dogodilo, i sa njega je prvo i krenuo takozvani "big update".

  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 816

Nije prestala da daje podršku nego da "miroruje" sadržaj sa primarnog, ibiblio repoa.

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1704
  • Gde živiš: U svom mestu

mirroring-odrazavanje, odrzavanje, ogledanje, reflektovanje, refleksija

Ovo su znacenja reci mirroring, u Synaptic-u ima samo jedan ibiblio repo i on ide sa Georgia Tech, i koliko ja to kapiram oni su prestali da ga "reflektuju". Da nije tako ibiblio bi i dalje bio u funkciji (a nije bio u funkciji barem kod mene i jos kod nekih koje znam) i iso bi sa nekog drugog servera, i ne bi trazili da se on odstiklira i predje na neki drugi repo.
Mislim da smo previse bespotrebno otisli u off, i od toga da je bilo ko u pravu, najbitnije je da sad sve funkcionise kako treba i da je napokon krenuo prelazak na PCLOS2009.

  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 816

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] - Georgia Tech mirror repository

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] - Ibiblio primary repository

Ja u synapticu i dalje ima oba, a to što ibiblio radi sporo ili ne radi uopšte jeste problem preopterećenja. Nisu džabe savetovali tj. molili da se koristi drugi. Ja sam koristio ovaj repo [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] da izvršim update i nije bilo usporenja.

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