Kako zadobiti "djevojacku" paznju

Kako zadobiti "djevojacku" paznju

  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

Znam da je bilo pitanja tipa; kako da joj pridjem, sta da joj kazem, sta kad ona meni kaze, koliko dugo da je gledam u oci, da li smijem da trepcem i sve ostalo, pa sam slucajno naletila na ova dva linka pa rekoh da ostavim ovdje, mozda neko nadje nesto korisno na njima. Izvinjavam se sto su tekstovi na engleskom, ali nisam nasla nista slicno na nasem. Ako neko nesto ima - neka okaci ovdje, pa nek je sve na jednom mjestu. smešak

How to get girl's attention

- Be yourself. The last thing you need is a girl who's not interested in the real you. No matter how gorgeous or fantastic she is - it isn't worth it!
- Always smell fresh and clean. Brush your teeth, style your hair, and dress well enough that it is obvious to her that you know how take care of yourself (FYI - even this starting point is going to rank you way past most of the guys out there).
- Wear cologne. Not too much, but enough so that the girl will recognize it when in proximately of you. When picking out cologne, try to stick to the same type and try avoid common scents. Get a few tester bottles (these are free) and wear each one on separate days. You are doing this so you can figure out which you like the most and which works best for your chemistry. You may do different variations of scent as well. Using natural extract oils, such as lavender, vanilla, and the like will give you a unique smell (most natural foods stores will have these items) at a lower cost.
- When you engage in conversation, listen. Girls can tell if you are distracted or if you don't really care about the subject. They know these things, regardless if you think they can't tell. By listening, you show that you genuinely care about her and her interests (plus, everyone loves talking about themselves, even more, they love people who want to hear them talk). Also, when engaging in conversation don't second guess yourself when you speak. There will be a point when you need to discuss your interests and preferred activities. Do not ask for their approval, but keep the dialogue about your respective self short and never incriminating nor negative. This will generate both "mystery" and a sense of decency of your persona matched with beautiful confidence and conciseness.



- Don't ever try too hard, she'll lose interest fast. Make sure she sees you laughing with your guy friends occasionally. When you make time for her, don't rub it in, but certainly on a here and there basis it may be in your favor to let her know you made the time available, it certainly wasn't out of desperation or lack of things or women to do. She needs to know you have an independent life outside of her.
- Make friends with her friends. They may just tell her you're a great guy.
- Don't get involved with any of them, though.
- Make the first move! Courage is attractive.



- Don't talk too much (or brag) around her. Let her do some of the talking.
- DO NOT ask questions like "are you okay? What are you thinking, blah blah" or make statements such as "I'm sorry" for no apparent reason repetitively. . . This is an absolute no no. Some girls might find it cute though.
- When you speak, be concise, don't ramble. Your words will lose value. If you have a great story, tell it, then shut up and listen. Remember that old overused saying? "You have two ears, and only one mouth" it's good advice. Silence is better than babbling.
- Don't look/speak about other girls when you're with her. It will make her jealous.


Izvor (i ostatak) = [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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A na ovom linku imate tekst "How to get a girl to like you" pa ko zeli moze da procita. To dolazi poslije skretanja paznje na sebe (u pozitivnom smislu naravno). smešak

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Na ovom ima svega po malo ... [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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  • Hellraiser
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  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

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