Are you the one- Scorpions

Are you the one- Scorpions

  • Pridružio: 09 Maj 2004
  • Poruke: 181
  • Gde živiš: Banjaluka

Another rainy morning
People rushing by
My head is still in the clouds
I dream with open eyes
Suddenly out of nowhere
She came into my life
Like we know each other
For quite a while
In the sound of silence
Time is standing still
There's some kind of bond between us
That's givin' me the chill
Do you really wonder
That we can burn the sky
It's written a thousand years ago
In the book of life
Are you the one that God had made for me
Are you the one who's always in my dreams
The one who keeps me goin'
When I can't go on
The one that I've been waiting for
For so long
Oh, yeah
Suddenly out of nowhere
She came into my life
Are you the one that God had made for me
Are you the one who's always in my dreams
Are you the one that God had made for me
Are you the one who's mine eternally
The one who keeps me dreamin'
When I'm sad and tired
Who gives my life a meaning
Till the day I die
Are you the one
Are you the one

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