

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2007
  • Poruke: 62

Wish you were here

Like waves to the shore
part of the ocean
the stars high above
part of the sky

now i drift to you
i dream of a river
a water so blue
wish i could live there

wish you were here..

like the air that i breathe
u'll always be there
the wings that i need
when i wanna fly

now i drift to you
i dream of a river
a water so blue
wish i could live there

wïsh you were here...............

Dopuna: 17 Jun 2008 22:20


The sun sets behind you
And it shines on me too
This view must be the highest beauty
And I know that light will pass
And the dark will fall
But I don't care about that now
No I don't care about that now

The days we spend
Searching, sometimes finding
If we die today, we should die smiling
And I know these times will be gone someday
But I don't care about that now
No I don't care about that now

What we believe, is what we believe
Faith, to give relief
And maybe all our truths will be lies someday
But I don't care about that now

I believe in love
Love believes in be
Though it tribulates
And my heart tests my sanity
And I know this love
Is gonna hurt some day
But I don't care about that now

The sun sets behind you

And I know that light will pass
And the dark will fall
But I don't care about that now

And I know these times will be gone someday
No I don't care about that now

And maybe all our truths will be lies someday
But I don't care about that now

And I know this love
Is gonna hurt some day
But I don't care about that now

Oh ohh...

I don't care about that now
I believe in love

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