But The World Goes Round...

But The World Goes Round...

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

But The World Goes 'Round

Sometimes you're happy,
sometimes you're sad
But the world goes 'round
Sometimes you lose
every nickel you had
But the world goes 'round

Sometimes your dreams
get broken in pieces
But that doesn't alter a thing
Take it from me,
there's still gonna be
A summer, a winter, a fall and a spring

And sometimes a friend
starts treating you bad
But the world goes 'round
And sometimes your heart
breaks with a deafening sound

Somebody loses
and somebody wins
And one day it's kicks,
then it's kicks in the shins
But the planet spins,
and the world goes 'round
But the world goes 'round
But the world goes 'round

Sometimes your dreams
get broken in pieces
But that doesn't matter at all
Take it from me,
there's still gonna be
A summer, a winter, a spring and a fall

And sometimes a friend
starts treating you bad
But the world goes 'round
And sometimes your heart
breaks with a deafening sound

Somebody loses
and somebody wins
Then one day it's kicks,
then it's kicks in the shins
But the planet spins,
and the world goes 'round
And 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round
The world goes 'round and 'round and 'round
And 'round!

(Interpret: Liza Minnelli
"New York, New York" Movie Soundtrack)

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