

  • Pridružio: 13 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 117
  • Gde živiš: beogradski pasaluk


Celia, you’re breaking my heart
You’re shaking my confidence daily
Oh, cecilia, I’m down on my knees
I’m begging you please to come home

Celia, you’re breaking my heart
You’re shaking my confidence daily
Oh, cecilia, I’m down on my knees
I’m begging you please to come home
Come on home

Making love in the afternoon with cecilia
Up in my bedroom (making love)
I got up to wash my face
When I come back to bed
Someone’s taken my place

Celia, you’re breaking my heart
You’re shaking my confidence daily
Oh, cecilia, I’m down on my knees
I’m begging you please to come home
Come on home

Jubilation, she loves me again,
I fall on the floor and I laughing,
Jubilation, she loves me again,
I fall on the floor and I laughing

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