

  • Pridružio: 28 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 157
  • Gde živiš: Nije vazno odakle sam sve dok znades kuda putujem

It's long ago since times of ease
Now I need one way-out
You can call me a hero
if you please
but I'm not
a kind of guy
to fight

I'll settle down
in Costarica
with dancing girls
and mango trees

I'll never be
miner or vicar
works is for me
a mortal disease

I don't want no Carneval
in Rio
to hell with blooming
cherries in Japan
no wana jam no JAH JAH
in Jamaica
I'm just sic of all these drugs
in Amsterdam

I'll settle down
in Costarica
with dancing girls
and mango trees

I know no mangos grow in
and dancing girls are fat
and underpaid

the swamps are full of snakes
and mean mosquitoes
but could you ever wish
a better place
to stay

I'll settle down
in Costarica

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