Dillon Dixon - Open To Me

Dillon Dixon - Open To Me

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Open To Me

If I told you what I know
Would you run away, or would you stay?
And be given one reason
That the fate of the world is up to us now

And the freedom you breathe in
And the sunshiny rays could all go away
And leave us defeated
Let me guarantee what's between you and me

If we live the day
In total surrender, happy together
And all our sins washed away in the ocean
Would you be open to me?

You've been hating this waiting
It's long overdo; let me help you
To believe in this feeling
As the future unfolds can I be so bold to say

If we live the day
In total surrender, happy together
And all our sins washed away in the ocean
Would you be open to me? To me?

If we live the day
In total surrender, happy together
And all our sins washed away in the ocean
Would you be open to me? To me?

If we live the day
In total surrender, happy together
And all our sins washed away in the ocean
Would you be open to me?

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