From Paris to Berlin

From Paris to Berlin

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

"From Paris to Berlin - in every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love,
'Cause when I'm thinking of you and all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you

From Paris to Berlin, in every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love,
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
and all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love

Patience is a game, and every night I say your name
hoping that you'll answer 'cause I'm going insane
It's quite long time ago, you brought me out of control
Hungry for your lovin' like I know what that might be

From Paris to Berlin, in every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
and all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you,
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you

Teasing was the thing and now I just can't let it go
meeting you was something no-one else needs to know
I guess I'm thinking of you like I would know what to do
if and when I found you, but I don't have got no clue

From Paris to Berlin, in every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
and all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you,
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you

whoh-ou ...

From Paris to Berlin, in every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love,
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
and all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you

From Paris to Berlin, in every disco I get in,
my heart is pumping for love,
pumping for love,
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
and all the things we could do,
my heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you,
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you
you left me longing for you"


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 9661
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Pesma je vrh.

U poslednjih 7 dana je slusam non-stop i plasim se da mi ne dosadi Neutral

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 901

audacieux& passionnÉ


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