

  • Pridružio: 08 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 4179
  • Gde živiš: Bulevar Kraljeva

I Stand Alone

I've told you this once before,
you can't control me
If you try to take me down,
you're gonna break
Now I feel your every nothing
that you're doing for me
I'm picking you outta me
you run away

I stand alone
I stand alone

You're always hiding behind your so called goddess
So what you don't think that we can see your face
Resurrected back before the final fallin'
now they've arrest utill I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading!

I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone
I stand alone

And now its my time (now its my time)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Dream of the skys (dream of the sky)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued
By the poison in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out
Before you can breathe
Breathe into me

I stand alone
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone
Inside (x3)

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • -
  • Sanjar
  • Pridružio: 09 Jul 2010
  • Poruke: 2484
  • Gde živiš: u prostoru između dva tona u dobrom riff-u

Napisano: 24 Sep 2010 17:43


Dopuna: 20 Okt 2010 23:43


Wait another minute
Can't you see what this pain has fucking done to me
I'm alive and still kicking
What you see I can't see and maybe you'll think before you speak

I'm alive,
For you I'm awake
Because of you I'm alive
Told you I'm awake,
Swallowing you

Take another second
Turn your back on me
and make believe that you're always happy
It's safe to say you're never alive
A big part of you has died and by the way,
I hope you're satisfied

I'm alive,
For you I'm awake
Because of you I'm alive
Told you I'm awake,
Swallowing you

I'm alive,
For you I'm awake
Because of you I'm alive
Told you I'm awake,


tearing it back, unveiling me
taking a step back so i can breathe
hear the silence about to break
fear resistance when I'm awake

tearing it back, unveiling me
taking a step back so i can breathe
hear the silence about to break
fear resistance when I'm awake




I'm alive,
For you I'm awake
Because of you I'm alive
Told you I'm awake,
Swallowing you

I'm alive,
For you I'm awake
Because of you I'm alive
Told you I'm awake,
Swallowing you!!!!!

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