How we lose... how we win...

How we lose... how we win...

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

Time flies

It's been such a funny day
I don't know why

Walking on an endless lane
Life passing me by

Tomorrow is calling
But I'm dragging my feet

The skies are indecently clear
But I can't stand the heat

Sleepwalking in a haze
Stumbling like a child

Dragons that I used to chase
Tease me from inside

The future's uncertain
Just like yesterday

Memories of heaven
Can be taken away

You know, time flies
And the rebels, one day
They all go quiet

Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind

Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind

They say you learn from your mistakes
It's a lie

My redemption has been staged
Numerous times

But the angels of passion still taunt me
In my sleep

They keep throwing petals and thorns
Underneath my feet

You know, time flies
And the rebels, one day
They all go quiet

Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind

Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind

How we lose (How we win)

When he left you
you thought that you would die
You saw the colours
fade as he walked away
Your hope is willing
Your heart is crying out
You're just wondering
how you will survive

How we lose
How we win
How we choose
when the night begins
You and her
or me and him
We don't know
what life will bring
But I tell you the future is waiting
and someone will find you

You don't know what you're missing, Mister

Now he's left you
see your tears have dried
Now the colours
shine brighter day by day
Your hope is willing
Your heart no longer cries
Skies are clearing,
the sun is on the rise

How we lose
How we win
How we choose
when the night begins
You and her
or me and him
We don't know
what life will bring
But I tell you the future is waiting
and someone will find you

(Vaya Con Dios)

"va a la bon hora, el Dios que sé con ti"

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