

  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 26
  • Gde živiš: in flames


If my hands couldn't feel
your warm,soft skin.
If my eyes wouldn't show me
the things way they are.
If your love wasn't there
i couldn't be me-now i know.
This is an evening-i never saw before
a new beginning unpredictable
thank you for the comfort
the feeling that i'm not alone
althrough there is no-one here i can see
sensing you closeness,
never leaving me alone,
making me trust the day.

The song in my mind
once so pure and light
now suddenly lost it's rhythm
Tones out of tune
was it your leaving
that caused disharmony?

Now i have a collection of you
though i can't restore,
every memory of us,
tons of pictures-letters
written in love-but you're more
the moment you stepped out
my heart left with you.
I lessened living-unreturnable,
i remmember your closeness
never living me in vain.

Sensing your love,
living in these walls
but even this drink is
torturing my empty veins
still waiting to hear your voice.

This song in my mind
once so pure and light
now suddenly lost it's rhythm
tones out of tune,
i long for your love
thirst for your kiss
is it human?
you only making me alive

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 7912
  • Gde živiš: Moskva, Rusija

Iako me je ovaj album Evanescence pomalo razocarao, ova pesma mi je odlicna i jaka, bas zbog mesanja za klasicnom arijom.

  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 26
  • Gde živiš: in flames

Ne znam za Evanescence,ali ovo je pesma nemačkog dua LACRIMOSA sa albuma Fassade,pretpostavljam da si na njih i mislio,a da si greškom upisao naziv gore spomenutog benda(album jeste nešto slabiji)

  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 7912
  • Gde živiš: Moskva, Rusija

Ajooooj... Nisam lepo ni procitao Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Videh tvoj nik, pobrkao sam sa "Emi Li", naziv grupe isti kao naziv pesme sa poslednjeg albuma "Evanescence" i cak mi se ucinilo da je refren taj... Sorry.

  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 26
  • Gde živiš: in flames

Simpa,iskreno,i pored toga što sam te opravdala i što si mogao da prođeš i sa samo"ma da,baš sam to i mislio".Samo opušteno,dešava se,klasični sled brzine čitanja i razmišljanja,nikakav problem

Dopuna: 17 Feb 2008 19:04


my heat-my love
one world-and gone
to stay-i will
believe and pray

to see-to feel
to hear-to be and gone
how can i get close to you?
how can i the foolish one?

beauty can't be seen but only kissed
i have so much love to give
but where are you and how to be reached?

can i talk-can i speak?
and can i lay my head on you?
can i choose and can i say
i love you?

darkness surrounding me
my head hangs low
your arms are far
your breath takes me
besides-i am in love
i'm loving you-but you
so far from me-i'm holding out
your words-your face-your breath
your touch-your heart shoud cover me
but all you do is watching me
so i dismiss the grace of you
and far beyond the darkness grows
which leads me back to all my roots
the longing and the pain
in darkness and disgrace

beauty can't be seen but only kissed
i have so much love to give
but where are you and how to be reached?

Dopuna: 25 Feb 2008 0:53


i-shall-try-to go on

I've seen your eyes
they shined like stars to me,
and than i saw your soul
an empty hall

Kissing you was like
kissing the past;
i felt like i giving in

I felt like
being apart of something,
something i was always
trying to achieve;
i felt like
being apart of something,
something that lasts

I've seen your ways,
they sometimes took me
by surprise,
and then i saw your aim

Touching you was like
touching a flame;
i felt like giving in

I felt like...

And i need love
like i never needed love before...

Dopuna: 26 Feb 2008 1:36


When you have the will
you learn to forgive and forget,
you have to-
collect the broken pieces and
humble hearted,
stand up from the place you hide
if'i wouldn't know to miss anything
if couldn't hurt me nomore;
mistakes tought to built life
from the ashes,that fell down to ground

Without any pain it wouldn't be the same,
experiences made me strong-
not every pain hurts.
Deep inside
when you learn to divide
don't fear the danger,
follow your heart to the light,
live your dream and breath.

When you lisen to yourself
don't always expect
to find understanding,
it takes time,
you may loose your faith,
but don't be afraid to find the solution.

That heavy wasn't my load,
that i wouldn't also try
to carry yours
my burning heart-unbearable!
My optimist mind-collapsed!

Without any pain it wouldn't be the same,
experiances made me strong-
not every pain hurts
deep inside
when you learn to divide
don't fear the danger,
follow your heart to the light;

Live your dream and breath

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