Lasgo - Something

Lasgo - Something

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

Lasgo - Something

I don't wanna say I'm sorry
Cause I know there is nothing wrong
Don't be afraid there is no need to worry
Cause my feelings for you are still strong

Hold me in your arms
And never let me go
Hold me in your arms
Cause I need you so

I can see it in your eyes
There is something
Something you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes
There is something
That you hide from me
Is there a reason why ?
There is something
Something you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes
There is something
That you hide for me

I don't wanna say I'm sorry
Cause I know there is nothing wrong
Don't be afraid there is no need to worry
Cause my feelings for you are still strong

Hold me in your arms
And never let me go
Hold me in your arms
Cause I need you so

I can see it in your eyes
There is something
Something you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes
There is something
That you hide from me
Is there a reason why ?
There is something
Something you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes
There is something
That you hide for me

enjoY Mr. Green

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