Listen to my heartbeat...

Listen to my heartbeat...

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

Hold me tight

"Come hold me tight
let your body sway right next to mine,
Love me tonight
let me find a way to make it right

Come hold me close
let me feel the hit burn deep inside
Hold me tonight
let me find a way to make you mine

Listen to my heartbeat

Listen to my heartbeat

Come hold me tight
let your body sway right next to mine
Love me tonight
let me find a way to make it right

Come hold me close
let me feel the hit burn deep inside
Hold me tonight
let me find a way to make you mine

Listen to my heartbeat

Come hold me tight
let your body sway right next to mine
Love me tonight
let me find a way to make it right
Come hold me close
let me feel the hit burn deep inside
Hold me tonight
let me find a way to make you mine

Listen to my heartbeat"

(Toshe Proeski)

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