Mama's Song

Mama's Song

  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 3686
  • Gde živiš: The Circle

Citat:Verse 1
Summertime has come and gone
The leaves are slowly falling
The other day my mother heard
The voice of Jesus calling
He said come home with me my child
I'll take away your strife
Mama went to sleep on this side
And woke up in paradise

Oh but how I miss her so
More than you'll ever know
How I miss her so
More than you'll ever know
How I miss her so
More than you'll ever know

Verse 2
When I was a little boy
Mama rocked me in her arms
She protected me from danger
And she kept me safe and warm
But mama is not here now
And I'm standing by myself
But as long as I've got Jesus
I don't need nobody else

Oh but how I miss her so
More than you'll ever know
How I miss her so
More than you'll ever know
I miss her so
More than you'll ever know

(Kirk Franklin)

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