Moloko-Familiar feeling

Moloko-Familiar feeling

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908


Nothing can come close
Nothing can come close
Nothing can come close

I never doubted it
What’s for you will not pass you by
I never questioned it
It was decided before I asked why
It’s all there ever was
And it’s all there ever will be
How could you have questioned us?
It’s yourself you deceive

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without

Hush now
No need to say the words
At first sight you perfectly heard
Love in all its entirety
Is no less than we deserve

I saw, your face
Some place
I felt this feeling before
Is it deja vu?
Do I somehow know you?

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking

Nothing can come close

Nothing can come close

(Ever speaking)

Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
Nothing can come close

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

Jasmina, svaka cast....bas nam se poklapa muzicki ukus Very Happy
ta devojka koja peva u Molokou je po necemu posebna....mada ne znam jos zasto.....

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908

Harizmaticna je do beskraja,ja obozavam njen stil,potpuno razlicita od svih koje sam videla na sceni ikada.

Evo jos jedne pesme,koju obozavam,sve sto ona otpeva za mene je zakon.

I Want You

I want you
Though you dare to deny it
I’m always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me

Morning comes upon us
To impose another day
Though I might try to force myself to sleep

Why should I
Face up to
Another waking day
When there’s a chance you’ll come to me
In dreams

The world just keeps
Right on
Turning anyway
While I stay home and watch the shadow play

Innocence is lost into the dark
If I were dynamite would you provide the spark?


I want you
Though you dare to deny it
I am always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me

I don’t know what to do
If you dare to deny it
I’m always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me

If only you could see my life
Turning inside out
A heart that keeps attacking me
Always in my mouth

And if my skin were glass my love
You would see a heart that keeps on beating
Only in the hope that you’ll return, to me

I don’t know what to do
Though you dare to deny it
I’m always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me

I want you
Though you dare to deny it
I am always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me

I don’t know what to do
Though you dare to deny it
I’m always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me

I want you

I am always reminded of you

I want you

Always reminded of you

Reminded of you

Always reminded of you

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