No man's land

No man's land

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

No man's land

"he was my brother
born the day I left
he took the mother lode
I took the rest
he was a fighter,
he was always in control
he kept a candle burning way down in his soul

shots fired in anger and a widow cries alone
just one more mother's son who won't be coming home
they speak in whispers, there are riders to the east
the blind man says "mister, bring a bottle and a priest"

that's the way it always goes
that's the way it's always been
who you are or what you know
you're like a feather in the wind
let the river wash you away
reach the river if you can
past the blue and past the grey
all of the way, all of the way
all the way to no man's land

there was no shelter
there was nowhere left to run
they came like eagles screaming down out of the sun
I heard the whistle sound the engine pulled away
I saw my brother down and I left him where he lay

some fight for honor,
there are those who fight for gold
some die believing all the fairy-tales they're told
there are no heroes and there is no marching bang
there are no miracles down here in no man's land

that's the way it always goes
that's the way it's always been
who you are or what you know
you're like a feather in the wind
let the river wash you away
reach the river if you can
past the blue and past the grey
all of the way, all of the way
all the way to no man's land
(let the river wash you away)
(let the river wash you away)

that's the way it always goes ..."

(Tony Carey)

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