Queen- One Year Of Love

Queen- One Year Of Love

  • Pridružio: 06 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 52

One Year Of Love
(Words and music by John Deacon)

Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you -
I'm falling apart all around you - yeah
My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches for to your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender
To the moment just surrender

And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Oooh yes it hurts
And pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better than a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender

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