Restless Heart

Restless Heart

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Whitesnake - Restless Heart

Restless heart, restless mind,
I'm tired of wasting,
My precious time.

There are times in my life,
I don't know witch way to turn,
When everything I touch
I get my fingers burned...
Dreams to ashes, ashes to dust,
When all that glitters
Is dull with rust...

Restless heart, restless mind,
I'm tired of wasting,
My precious time...

I'm torn and tattered,
Shattered and worn,
I've had enough
Trying to live my life
In the eye of the storm...
Every heartache
Leaves a scar on my face,
Somebody reach out
Or throw me a line,
Get me out of this place...

Restless heart, restless mind,
I'm tired of wasting, wasting,
My precious time...

Oh, so tired.

Restless heart, restless mind,
I'm tired of wasting,
My precious time...

Restless heart, restless mind,
I'm tired of wasting, wasting,
All of my precious time...

Restless heart, restless mind,
So I'm tired of wasting, wasting,
All of my precious time, time, time

Restless heart...

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