

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

Oh, sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna run to all on that day?

Well I run to the rock, "Please hide me"
I run to the rock, "Please hide me"
Run to the rock, "Please hide me Lord all on that day"

But the rock cried out "I can't hide you"
The rock cried out "I can't hide you"
The rock cried out "I ain't gonna hide you" all on that day

I said "Rock, whats the matter with you, rock?"
"Don't you see I need you rock?"
Lord, Lord, Lord, all on that day

So I run to the river, it was bleedin'
I run to the sea, it was bleedin'
I run to the sea, it was bleedin'
all on that day

So I run to the river, it was boiling
I run to the sea, it was boiling
I run to the sea, it was boiling
all on that day

So I run to the Lord, "Please hide me, Lord"
"Don't you see me prayin'?"
"Don't you see me down here prayin'?"

But the Lord said "Go to the Devil"
The Lord said "Go to the Devil"
He said "Go to the Devil" all on that day

So I ran to the Devil, he was waitin'
I ran to the Devil, he was waitin'
I ran to the Devil, he was waitin', all on that day

I cried power
Power Lord ...

So I run to the river,
it was boiling
I run to the sea, it was boiling
I run to the sea, it was boiling
all on that day

So I ran to the Lord,
I said "Lord, hide me,
please, hide me
Please, help me all on that day"

He said "Child, where were you
when you ought to have been praying?"
I said "Lord, Lord, hear me prayin', Lord, Lord,
Hear me prayin' Lord, Lord
Hear me prayin' all on that day"
"Sinnerman, you ought to be praying,
ought to be praying, sinnerman,
ought to be praying
all on that day"

I cried power
Power Lord...

Don't you know that I need you, Lord...

(Nina Simone)

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  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2007
  • Poruke: 62

Napisano: 08 Maj 2010 23:41

I loves you, Porgy

I loves you, Porgy,
Don't let him take me
Don't let him handle me
And drive me mad
If you can keep me
I wanna stay here with you forever
And I'll be glad

Yes I loves you, Porgy,
Don't let him take me
Don't let him handle me
With his hot hands
If you can keep me
I wants to stay here with you forever
I've got my man

I loves you, Porgy,
Don't let him take me
Don't let him handle me
And drive me mad
If you can keep me
I wanna stay here with you forever
I've got my man

Someday I know he's coming to call me
He's going to handle me and hold me
So, it going to be like dying, Porgy
When he calls me
But when he comes I know I'll have to go

I loves you, Porgy,
Don't let him take me
Honey, don't let him handle me
And drive me mad
If you can keep me
I wanna stay here with you forever
I've got my man

Dopuna: 08 Maj 2010 23:42

i najlepsa.....

Wild is the wind

Love me love me love me
Say you do
Let me fly away
with you
For my love is like
the wind
And wild is the wind

Give me more
than one caress
Satisfy this
Let the wind
blow through your heart
For wild is the wind

touch me...
I hear the sound
of mandolins
kiss me...
With your kiss
my life begins
You're spring to me
All things
to me

Don't you know you're
life itself
Like a leaf clings
to a tree
Oh my darling,
cling to me
For we're creatures
of the wind
And wild is the wind
So wild is the wind

Wild is the wind
Wild is the wind

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