The Tindersticks - City Sikness

The Tindersticks - City Sikness

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 35
  • Gde živiš: sombor

City sickness
I’m crawling, I don’t know where to or from
The centre of things from where everything stems
Is not where I belong
I have the city sickness, growing inside me
So this is where I ran for freedom
Where I may not be free

I have these hands beating with love for you
And you’re not here to touch
Sent you away, what else can I do
When I need something that much?

Oh I’m hurting babe, in the city there’s no place for love
It’s just used to make people feel better
That’s not like us
I got this sickness as I got off the train
Now it chafes away at my heart
Until nothing remains

I have these hands beating with love for you
And you’re not here to touch
Sent you away, what else can I do
When I need something that much?
That much

I’m okay afterwards
Afterwards lasts for minutes only
I’m okay during
You kind of fill up my mind
It’s just that before may last forever
It’s just that before may just fuck my mind

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