

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***


Mislim sta reci pesma je strava ali skroz Wink

This one's going out to everybody in the place!
Sounds of The Track Attacker!
Go ahead!
In control!

'Pon the mic I'm the teacher!
Spread my words like a preacher!
Cut the crap! Get a slap!
Drum 'n Bass still on the map
'Pon the mic you can't stop me
Flat on your back like 1, 2, 3!
Yeah, here we come!

Pitched voice:
Love in a woman's heart
I wanna have the whole and not a part
Strange that this feeling grows more and more
'Cause I've never loved someone like you before

Love in a woman's heart
I wanna have the whole and not a part
Strange that this feeling grows more and more
'Cause I've never loved someone like you before

Love in a woman's heart
I wanna have the whole and not a part
Strange that this feeling grows more and more
'Cause I've never loved someone like you before

Love in a woman's heart
I wanna have the whole and not a part
Strange that this feeling grows more and more
'Cause I've never loved someone like you before

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Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3466 - dana 01 Jun 2021 17:07

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Korisnici trenutno na forumu: -[CoA]-, ArchaBasha, Bane san, Boris90, dolinalima, DPera, FOX, havoc995, HrcAk47, ILGromovnik, Koridor, krkalon, kuntalo, laurusri, leonard, Marko Marković, mile23, milenko crazy north, operniki, pedja.st, Prašinar, repac, samsung, skvara, Smiljke, sombrero, Srle993, Stefan M, stegonosa, Trpe Grozni, tubular, Tvrtko I, vasaw, wolf431, yrraf, Živković, šumar bk2