Why did You Do It?

Why did You Do It?

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908

Why Did You Do It


I've been thinking about what you have done to me
The damage is much deeper than you'll ever see
Hit me like a hammer to my head
I wonder were you pushed or were you led?

Why did you do it? Why did you do that thing to me?
Why did you do it? Why did you do that thing to me?
The only one who knows the truth,
Man it's him me and you.

My friends they listen to the things i say
They listen and they hear more everyday
But i know they never understand it
Because it was no accident you planned it.

Why did you do it? Why did you do that thing to me?
Why did you do it? Why did you do that thing to me?
The only one who knows the truth,
Man it's him me and you.

One, two

I've been thinking about what you have done to me
The damage is much deeper than you'll ever see
Hit me like a hammer to my head
I wonder were you pushed or were you led?

Why did you do it? Why did you do that thing to me?
Why did you do it? Why did you do that thing to me?
The only one who knows the truth,
Man it's him me and you.


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