the reason

the reason

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

How could I?

It was a coldest day in December
A day I always will remember
I looked into your eyes
And faced my deepest fear
I had drifted too far
Far from you, my dear

So how could I
Turn away from the one I love?
How could I
When I know what my heart's made of?
Could it be, oh,
That your soul lives inside of me?
How could I ever say goodbye?

Why was I so afraid to tell her
For her I would fight a thousand soldiers
But just like an angry child
I kept my feelings locked inside
There were rivers of tears
Flowing from her eyes

(Repeat chorus)

How could I ever say goodbye?

When you fall in love
You never know how long it lasts
But the one thing I knew in my heart
Is that I was fading much too fast

(Repeat chorus)

How could I say goodbye?
How could I say goodbye?

Remember me

It's not enough
To say I've loved and lost
Just a thought
To know I had it all
Times can change
But love will not grow old
Turn the page
Turn down this bed alone

Do you still remember me
How could you forget
You're ev'rything I need
I'm out here on the ledge
There's no words for me to say
And too much to regret
You're where I should be
Do you remember when

I let you go
What was I thinking of
I'll never know
What it's like to love
But there's no way
How can I replace
Love so strong
When I can't forget your face

(Repeat chorus)

We used to dance
I used to sing
Do you remember
You and me
'Cause, if I could
Hold your hand
I'd be a king
'Cause I remember

(Repeat chorus until fade)

My baby you

As I look into your eyes
I see all the reasons why
My life's worth a thousand skies
You're the simplest love I've known
And the purest one I'll own
Know you'll never be alone

My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And 'cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
Baby you
There's no more just getting by
You're the reason I feel so alive

Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground

My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And 'cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
Baby you
There's no more just getting by
You're the reason I feel so alive

I will soothe you if you fall
I'll be right there if you call
You're my greatest love of all

You are the reason I could fly
And 'cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
My baby you
There's no more just getting by
'Cause you're the reason I feel so alive

Arianna I feel so alive

(Marc Anthony)

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