U obavestenju za javnost, Apple tvrdi da je vec prodato 2 miliona kopija Mac OS X Leoparda od pojavljivanja proslog petka:
Citat:"This figure includes retail, reseller and online Apple Store sales, as well as less voluntary arrangements, including "under maintenance" agreements and new Mac sales. The company further contends that this is the fastest-selling Mac OS release in Apple history, trumping even first-weekend figures for Mac OS X Tiger. "Early indications are that Leopard will be a huge hit with customers," reads a statement by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. "Leopard's innovative features are getting great reviews and making more people than ever think about switching to the Mac."
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Osim generalno pozitivniih utisaka, stigle su kritike na vizuelni izgled Leoparda: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
i pojavili su se problemi prilikom instalacije:
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Posto se Leopard tek pojavio na trzistu, ovo su tek prvi utisci. Kako budemo imali detaljnije preglede/kritike/pohvale, moci ce bolje da se vidi sta je Apple zapravo postigao ovim novim OS.