FExplorer 1.15 (Total Commander za Symbian)

FExplorer 1.15 (Total Commander za Symbian)

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

FExplorer is an excellent file manager, and is our recommended tool for installing and uninstalling software where the default methods fail.

It's core is a suite of file managing abilities, which are basically complete;

* Cut, copy & paste files
* Check date modified & size
* Display free space available
* View file with inbuilt text viewer
* Cut, copy, create & paste directories
* File find. (although this only works within a directory)

Additional non-file manager related features are:

* Take screenshots
* Set your backlight to be permanently on.
* Send files via bluetooth. (may be necessary to rename .sis to .sis_)
* Compress memory - increasing available free memory

There are references to Infrared support, but these obviously will not work on a Nokia 7610. Usage is also extremly intuitive, and the keyboard shortcut information is built into the app. (i.e. by accessing a function, it's related keyboard shortcut will be revealed)

A possible improvement would be to include the capability of "marking" files, so that multiple files may be dealt with at the same time, but the lack of this is generally not at issue, because directories maybe dealt with. It would also be very nice if the application could search the entire phone for a file.

ovo je program koji definitivno Musta have za wash fon... Sa ovim mozete toliko da poboljsate rad na symbianu da je to smesno... Aplikacija je teksa oko 60 kb dok kada se instalira ta brojka se povecava na ~160kb...

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