Konceptualni Albumi


Konceptualni Albumi

  • Pridružio: 12 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1847
  • Gde živiš: Apatin

Dosao sam na ideju da napravim topic u kojem bih vam predstavljao jedne od najgenijalnijih albuma u muzici,a to su sigurno konceptualni albumi.E za one koji neznaju sta su to konceptualni albumi:pa to su albumi koji su uradjeni na osnovu neke price,znaci radnja pesama je povezana u jednu pricu.Sada,te pricemogu biti izmisljenje izasle iz glave tekstopisca,mogu biti bajke,istorisjek teme ili bilo sta drugo sto vam padne napamet.Neki bendovi kao Rhapsody zasnivaju sve svoje albume na jednoj velikoj sagi(kao npr.Lord Of The Rings) pa se prica proteze i razvija kroz svaki sledeci album.E sad mozemo poceti:

Night of the Stormrider

Iced Earth's second effort is a concept album with a mystical, horrific story line. It traces the path of a man who is betrayed by religion and turns away from it in anger. The dark forces of nature reach out to this enraged man and use him as their vessel to bring death and destruction to Earth. Through it all, he feels no remorse for his deeds, and upon reaching the end, numbly accepts his fate of eternity in Hell. Musically, the band picked up a new singer and drummer for this album. The singing is a definite improvement from the debut, ranging from a powerful growl to a Halford-like scream. Such skill is necessary to portray the wide range of feeling on this album. There's quite a bit of background keys on this disc, some choral moaning, and a memorable piano outro, which all add to the dark mood. There are also several excellent acoustic passages seamlessly interwoven with the driving guitar riffs. The music meshes perfectly with the story, magnifying the hatred, manic joy, confusion, and sadness present in the lyrics. After listening to this musical masterpiece, one cannot help but to feel some of the sadness and guilt that the Stormrider was unable to feel for himself.

ps.svaki komentar je dobrodosao

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • MiB  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2547
  • Gde živiš: Nis, Srbija

Gods of War by Manowar - 2007

Posle pet dugih godina, jedan od najboljih svetskih metal bendova - Manowar, je ponovo usao u studio i snimio svoj 12.album. Album je dobio ime Gods of War i prvi je konceptualni album posvecen bogovima rata u razlicitim svetskim mitologijama. Ovaj album je posvecen Odinu, bogu rata u Norveskoj mitologiji. Svaka pesma prica svoju pricu i razlikuje se po stilu, pocev od Sleipnir, King of Kings koje su onako bas tresherske, preko balade Blood Brothers, pa sve do Overture to the Hymn of the Immortal Warriors, The Ascension koja ima odlike metal opere i Army of Dead part 1 koja je uradjena A-capella...
Proiducent albuma je basista i ko-osnivac benda - Joey DeMaio. A album su izdali za Magic Circle Music producentsku kucu.

1. Overture to the Hymn of the Immortal Warriors [06:19]
2. The Ascension [02:30]
3. King of Kings [04:17]
4. Army of the Dead Part 1 [01:58]
5. Sleipnir [05:13]
6. Loki God of Fire [03:49]
7. Blood Brothers [04:54]
8. Overture to Odin [03:41]
9. The Blood of Odin [03:57]
10. Sons of Odin [06:23]
11. Glory Majesty Unity [04:41]
12. Gods of War [07:25]
13. Army of the Dead Part 2 [02:20]
14. Odin [05:26]
15. Hymn of the Immortal Warriors [05:29]
16. Die for Metal (Bonus Track) [05:16]

Na zvanicnom sajtu ili na dole prilozenom linku mozete preuzeti originalni booklet ovog albuma (besplatno) u pdf formatu.
Link za download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Album je po meni super odradjen i bas sam prijatno iznenadjen.
Od mene album dobija ocenu 5 ((na skali od 1 do 5)

Svako je dobrodosao da napise svoje misljenje i vidjenje albuma, samo vas molim bez svadje i rasprave Wink

  • Pridružio: 12 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1847
  • Gde živiš: Apatin


Tommy Walker is born while his father is off on some journey (`It's a boy') from which he becomes several years late in returning. Tommy's mother takes up with a lover, father returns, mother and lover kill father with Tommy as a witness, and mother and lover tell Tommy he saw and heard nothing (`You didn't hear it'). Tommy becomes functionally blind, deaf, and dumb to all outside appearances, however, it is evident that within his own head, he can see and hear everything (`There's a doctor I've found'). He is tormented by various malicious relatives (`Cousin Kevin' and `Fiddle About') and `treated' by various attempts, including hallucinogens (`Acid Queen'). As he grows up, the only outside experience to which he responds is a pinball machine, at which he becomes expert (`Pinball Wizard'). Tommy is finally cured by watching his image in a mirror smashed by, I believe, his mother's lover (`Smash the Mirror'). Being released from his isolation for Tommy is like being released from a practically lifelong mystical experience heightened by pinball. The charisma with which Tommy is imbued by this experience leads him to become a `New Messiah' (`Sally Simpson') creating a movement which expands beyond local resources (`Welcome') and becomes institutionalized into a ritual modeled after playing pinball while deaf dumb and blind (`Tommy's holiday camp'). The story ends with a revolt of Tommy's disciples against his new religion (`We're not gonna take it').

Dopuna: 08 Maj 2007 21:05

ps.@MiB druze nije album o Odinu nego o Loki-u! Smile

Dopuna: 09 Maj 2007 14:08

The Wall

Pink Floyd's the Wall is arguably one of the most intriguing and imaginative albums in the history of rock music. Since its release in 1979, and the subsequent movie of 1982, the Wall has become synonymous with, if not the very definition of, the term "concept album." Aureally explosive on record and visually explosive on the screen, the Wall traces the life of the fictional protagoinst, Pink Floyd, from his boyhood days in war-torn England to his self-imposed isolation as a world-renownedrock star, leading to a climax that is as questionably cathartic as it is destructive.

From the outset, Pink's life revolves around an abyss of loss and isolation. Born to a war-ravaged nation that takes his father's life in the name of "duty," and an overprotective mother who lavishes equal measures of her love and phobias onto her son, Pink chooses to build a mental wall between himself and the rest of the world so that he can live in a constant, alienated equilibrium free from life's physical and emotional troubles. Every incident that causes Pink pain is yet another brick in his ever-growing wall: a fatherless childhood, a domineering mother, a country whose king signs his father's death certificate with a rubber stamp, the superficiality of stardom, an estranged marriage, even the very drugs he turns to in order to find release. As his wall nears completion, each brick further closing him off from the rest of the world, Pink spirals into a void of insanity, cementing in place the final brick in the wall. Yet the minute it is complete, Pink begins to realize the adverse effects of total mental isolation, helplessly watching as his fragmented psyche coalesces into the very dictatorial persona that antagonized the world during World War II, scarred his nation, killed his father, and thereby defiled his own life from birth. Culminating in a mental trial as theatrically rich as the greatest stage shows, the story ends with a message that is as enigmatic and circular as the rest of Pink's life. Whether it is ultimately viewed as a cynical story about the futility of life, or a hopeful journey of metaphorical death and rebirth, the Wall is certainly a musical milestone worthy of the title "art."

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 5224
  • Gde živiš: Oslo

da li onda mozemo da kazemo da je soundtrack svake rok-opere ili mjuzikla (ili video igice) ili bilo kog komada/filma za koji je muzika specijalno pisana, ustvari konceptualni album ili je to malo presiroka definicija ? (too easy - tu se malo gubi na toj genijalnosti o kojoj pises)

Recimo, da izdvojim jedan od milion, to bi onda bio Hair:

A pada mi na pamet jedan drugi Pink Floyd album koji nije pisan kao soundtrack - Animals (pa mozda zato i concept-dragoceniji) gde je inspiracija bila George Orwelova Zivotinjska Farma

1. "Pigs on the Wing 1" (Roger Waters)
2. "Dogs" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters)
3. "Pigs (Three Different Ones)​"
4. "Sheep" (Roger Waters)
5. "Pigs on the Wing 2"

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

1. Scene One: Regression
2. Scene Two: Overture 1928
3. Strange Deja Vu
4. Scene Three: Through My Words
5. Fatal Tragedy
6. Scene Four: Beyond This Life
7. Scene Five: Through Her Eyes
8. Scene Six: Home
9. Scene Seven: The Dance of Eternity
10.One Last Time
11.Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On
12.Scene Nine: Finally Free


[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dodaću još kasnije, izvinjavam se za štur info!

  • Pridružio: 12 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1847
  • Gde živiš: Apatin

Tamtitam ::@Deathangel,
da li onda mozemo da kazemo da je soundtrack svake rok-opere ili mjuzikla (ili video igice) ili bilo kog komada/filma za koji je muzika specijalno pisana, ustvari konceptualni album ili je to malo presiroka definicija ? (too easy - tu se malo gubi na toj genijalnosti o kojoj pises)

Recimo, da izdvojim jedan od milion, to bi onda bio Hair:

A pada mi na pamet jedan drugi Pink Floyd album koji nije pisan kao soundtrack - Animals (pa mozda zato i concept-dragoceniji) gde je inspiracija bila George Orwelova Zivotinjska Farma

1. "Pigs on the Wing 1" (Roger Waters)
2. "Dogs" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters)
3. "Pigs (Three Different Ones)​"
4. "Sheep" (Roger Waters)
5. "Pigs on the Wing 2"

Pazi,kao sto sam vec napisao,koneptualni album mora da sadrzi jednu pricu oko koje se pesme vrte.Da li je to Odiseja ili neka licna prica tekstopisca nije vazno ali mora da bude vezana oko jedne stvari.Mjuzikl je jedna vrsta konceptualnog albuma jer pesme sluze kako bi se predstavila i ispricala prica ali ne mora biti.npr.Hair ja mislim da nije konceptualan jer svaka pesma ima svoju pricu nisu povezane u celinu,a to je ono najvaznije.

Dopuna: 09 Maj 2007 15:52

@Pretender evo za tebe Smile

Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from A Memory

Act 1

Scene One: Regression -- The album opens with Nicholas relaxing to the sounds of the Hypnotherapist's voice and entering a hypnotic state in the pursuit of regression therapy.

Scene Two: I. Overture 1928 -- Nicholas is in a hypnotic trance and marveling at the surreal peace and comfort. As he settles into his trance, he begins to focus on the subject of his regression therapy, a girl named Victoria and a life that feels strangely similar to his own. The beginning of the overture bears a strong likeness to parts of Metropolis pt. 1.

Scene Two: II. Strange Déjà Vu -- We hear a little more about previous dreams that have led Nicholas to his therapy, and also continue deeper in the current trance. We learn that every time he closes his eyes, he is taken to this very vivid, recurring dream of another (yet just out of reach of conscious understanding) life. We understand that it is what he's been dreaming previously that has led him to his regression therapy.

The dream is as follows: there is a pathway to a house. Inside the house and upstairs is a room where a girl appears in a mirror. All of this seems very familiar to him, but it logically shouldn't. In this dream, probably because this is actually a hypnotic trance and not just a regular dream, some things seem clearer than ever before. He can see the face of a young girl and poses the question, "Young child, won't you tell me why I'm here?" He sees that she has something to share with him, that there is a reason she is leading him here, a story to be told, and this story is of something terrible that is "tearing at her soul".

Victoria now expresses her first hint at why she is haunting Nicholas. She has been searching for a way to reveal the truth about her murder. She also expresses great lament, "tears my heart into two". This along with the next line, "I'm not the one the Sleeper thought he knew", is her guilt that Julian Baynes (in the story also called The Sleeper) never knew about her relationship with his brother, Senator Edward Baynes (called The Miracle), which we learn about much later. She feels guilty for what she did to Julian.

Now Nicholas is out of his therapy and back in real life. Even though he is awake, the thoughts and events of this other life are beginning to permeate every second of his day, and this is the beginning of his obsession with resolving this whole thing. He desperately wants to know why this is happening and would cross over to this other world consciously if he knew how. Nothing in the current day matters to him, only learning more about his new obsession. It is here that he has his first inclination that he may have actually lived in the world of which he dreams. He knows that this dreamland holds the key to his peace, and he will not rest until he unlocks that door.

Scene Three: I. Through My Words -- Nicholas realizes fully the link between Victoria and himself. He now knows why he feels so drawn to her and her world as they share the same soul.

Scene Three: II. Fatal Tragedy -- It starts with Nicholas 'alone at night'. He knows who Victoria is now, but not why she is so torn or how he is involved. Sometime later, he goes to visit an older man, who the story makes a point to tell us is 'alone'. Whose house this is, and who the old man is, are things that are never made clear throughout the story. The importance of the older man is that he knows a little about a murder that happened a long time ago and shares what he knows with Nicholas. We learn that a girl was murdered, and that she was young. Nicholas sits and listens to the older man's tale and finds that it is still a mystery today.

Nicholas is then realizing that until he unveils the truth about what happened to Victoria, he cannot live his current life. He is stuck in this obsession and cannot turn back. We learn then that Nicholas understands that without faith and hope, 'there can be no peace of mind', therefore Nicholas encourages himself to be strong and have faith that he will find the truth, because without the truth, he will never rest. This song ends with the Hypnotherapist speaking. The next session starts with taking Nicholas back to the point of the murder of Victoria.

Scene Four: Beyond This Life -- We learn the newspaper account of what happened in 1928. The story is that a witness, Edward Baynes heard a horrifying sound and upon reaching the scene of the sound he discovers a woman who's been shot dead, and the shooter standing over her. The witness tries to help and the shooter commits suicide and falls on top of the dead woman. The newspaper account talks of a sad close to a broken love affair. This indicates that the victim and the murderer are identified as previous or maybe even current lovers.

The paper goes on to explain that Victoria and Julian were recently broken up due to Julian's decadent lifestyle. There are many possibilities regarding what evil way he had fallen into, but the DVD (Metropolis 2000: Scenes from New York) suggests that gambling and/or drug addiction might be of significance. Later, he also drops a liquor bottle in scene 9, so it's possible his habit was drinking. It's also indicated that she would have taken him back if he'd straighten up his lifestyle. Then the newspaper asks whether it was a premeditated murder.

Next we read an account of the physical evidence at the scene. There is evidence of a 'violent struggle' and a switchblade is found. The switchblade causes some confusion, because the victim is a young girl and typically you wouldn't expect a young girl in 1928 to be carrying a switchblade, unless she was anticipating a need to defend herself. Also found, in the killer's pocket, is a written note. It clearly reads that Julian would rather take his own life than live without Victoria, but it mentions nothing of harming her.

Lastly, there is the repetition at the end of Beyond This Life. These lines are deepening Nicholas's belief that he and Victoria share the same soul. They also indicate that not only souls reincarnate, but they also carry the same personality traits with them, and deeds will follow each soul throughout eternity.

Scene Five: Through Her Eyes -- Nicholas is awake again. He has learned that Victoria/he was brutally murdered in 1928. He feels compelled to visit Victoria's grave. He expresses the sorrow he feels for her, and how helpless and innocent she was. Not only that, but since he's learning about his life by looking through her eyes, he realizes that this happened to HIM also and the unfairness of it begins to nag him.

Upon reaching her grave, he is overcome with sadness. Even the words on her stone indicate that she was a sweet innocent girl who had her life brutally taken from her at a very young age. He is startled by how much her death feels like his own. He compares it to losing someone you love. He continues to let images of her wander through his mind as he just wallows in his sadness for awhile. He thinks of how much more he's lived and again is stricken by the injustice of her young death. Then as the song ends, Nicholas begins to regain his composure and is comforted by the realization that by facing this tragedy and mourning the loss, he can now move on. This time of pain was necessary to accept his death in a previous life and fully comprehend why this other life has beckoned him.

[edit] Act 2

Scene Six: Home -- We hear Julian talk of his obsession with decadence and how he is only living a charade. Ultimately, as we have learned earlier, Victoria leaves him because of his addiction, considered by some to be a combination of cocaine and alcohol (possibly hinted at by the lyrics "Lines take me higher"). Next we hear Edward, giving his account of Victoria crying on his shoulder over her break up with Julian. He finds himself falling for her, and at first even feels guilt over deceiving his own blood. But his obsession for her becomes stronger than his guilt and he seduces her in her vulnerable state.

Lastly we hear from Nicholas again, back in present day, and awake. So far he only knows what the older man told him, and what he learned about the newspaper article in his last therapy session. He knows there must be more to the story and he is obsessed with solving this mystery. He yearns for regression, cannot wait for his next therapy session so that he can get back to solving the mystery.

There are several lyrical similarities between "Home" and "Metropolis Pt. 1," such as references to "the city's cold blood" and a "lake of fire," the lines "I was told theres a new love that's born for each one that has died". Also, "Home" contains the lines, "Victoria watches and thoughtfully smiles/she's taken me to my home", while "Metropolis" features, "Metropolis watches and thoughtfully smiles/she's taken you to your home."

Scene Seven: I. The Dance of Eternity -- As last line of "Metropolis Pt. 1" says, "Love is the Dance of Eternity". Victoria and Edward are for the last time.

Scene Seven: II. One Last Time -- This song begins with Nicholas going over it in his head. He is not convinced, from the evidence given so far, that the newspaper account is the truth. He also appears to have heard some rumors, most likely rumors of Victoria's affair with Ed. Did Victoria wound Ed's soul and bid him farewell? Then we see Victoria, in the past again, saying "One last time, we'll lay down today." This may be Nicholas hearing Victoria telling Ed goodbye, that this will be their last meeting.

Nicholas visits Edward's house, where he and Victoria had their affair. The house seems to hold many clues and he feels that he is finally shown some confirmation of what he's been thinking. Though he is now awake, as he enters the bedroom, he experiences a sort of revelation, almost as though he's slipped right out of consciousness. The cold returns, as he felt in his recurring dreams before, and he's suddenly outside and hears a woman screaming and a man pleading forgiveness. It is possible that Nicholas at this point suspects Edward and Victoria were having an affair. That is the suspicion to which the home holds many clues. In his current state of dual consciousness, he is seeing Victoria's memories of the fatal meeting, but he doesn't get enough info yet and the scene fades to black.

Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On -- Nicholas is again, and for the last time, under hypnosis and reiterating his belief that his soul will transcend, and that he need not fear death. He believes now that Edward was involved in the murder. He plans to expose the truth behind a crime that happened over 70 years ago. Victoria pipes up, in the present this time, and tells Nicholas that he should move on now, she has revealed the truth to him, but he should never forget her. At this point he basks in the peace that he feels as he has appeased Victoria's nagging and his own obsession. Nicholas now feels that the reason all of this happened, the ultimate message, is that death is not the end, but only a transition, as the Hypnotherapist has already pointed out.

Scene Nine: Finally Free -- The last scene holds information Nicholas is not aware of, because the Hypnotherapist brings him out of his last hypnotic trance and we hear him get in his car and leave. What we learn is that Victoria and Julian meet by chance and decide to meet up later in secret so they can talk. She is obviously excited because Julian is the one she has always loved, and she's going to break it off with Edward. She is no longer torn between Edward and Julian, who she would rather have been with. But she knows Edward would "kill his own brother if he only knew" of her relationship with him.

So they meet up without anyone knowing, or so they think. Edward shows up, begins struggling with Julian who drops a bottle of liquor out of his coat pocket and pulls out the knife, Ed shoots Julian, Victoria screams, Edward tells her "Open your eyes, Victoria", and he shoots her also. Julian crawls over to her, collapses on top of her and utters his last lines ("One last time..."). Edward plants a suicide letter on Julian and then gets help and plays his part as the witness.

We then are transferred back to Nicholas. He's driving home and thinking about how he is free of the haunting that has plagued him. Also he has learned about his life, that it will carry on after death, through Victoria's nagging. Nicholas then arrives home and goes inside and begins relaxing. Another car pulls up, the Hypnotherapist enters the room and says, "Open your eyes, Nicholas!", the phonograph gets bumped as Nicholas is startled by the Hypnotherapist. Then we hear static noise, which fades to black. The Hypnotherapist, Edward's reincarnation, has killed Nicholas.

The static noise is also the beginning of "The Glass Prison" which is the first track on Dream Theater's next album, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence.

Some have noted that the storyline for the album is thematically similar to the 1991 Kenneth Branagh film Dead Again.

  • Pridružio: 28 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 1536
  • Gde živiš: Seven holy paths to hell

Kad ste vec pomenuli Rhapsody Of Fire onda ajmo Smile
Legendary Tales (1997)

Chaos, fire and blood... rivers of blood! A long time ago the lands surrounding Algalord lived through the worst moment in their history: the deeply despised "times of darkness"... times of bloody battles between the forces of the "Holy alliance" and the hellish army of the bastard known as the "Black King". In the name of Kron, the cruel and ancient god of war, he crossed the dark mountains with a precise goal: the conquest of Algalord, the holy citadel of enchanted lands, ancient keeper of the secret... the secret of the holy "emerald sword", the powerful weapon of positive force, the decider of destinies of wars and ensurer of peace...

In that dramatic moment a fundamental decision was taken: thanks to the "wisdom of the kings" the alliance was created. Four brave kings decided to unite their forces to create the mightest army in living memory. Algalord, Irengard, Elgard and Ancelot, all united under the command of Harold "The Brave". And this meant the victory, the triumph of light on the forces of abyss...

Now, after times of peace and prosperity the nightmare is back and worst than ever before! Algalord is under threat again... in the northern regions the blood of the innocent is already flowing and the pains of torture and rape is splitting the skies...

There's only one hope left to save the beloved lands: the "three keys of wisdom" on the road to the "ivory gates". The prophecy is clear: Only a "warrior of ice" with a pure heart will be able to open the gates, located somewhere in the Lands of Chaos and, if he is strong enough to defeat the ancestral guardian, will have the honour of handling the mighty sword and leading the valorous men in an epic crusade for salvation of enchanted lands...

Many warriors tried to reach the legendary "ivory gates" but nobody knows what happened to them because they never returned. Now it is your turn, brave warrior, but remember: to reach the three keys, you have to face the mirror of your sins. So pray that the cold winter will freeze your dark side making your heart pure as ice, or the "emerald sword" will be unreachable once again...

Go now, the way to the middle plains is long and time is short. Go and fight for the triumph of peace and love over all...

Symphony of Enchanted Lands (1998-)

What is told between these pages destined to memories was written by the wise old hand of Aresius of Elgard, witness before God of another incredible epic deed. I will tell you about the brave warrior of Loregard, the son of holy ice, and his search for the legendary Emerald Sword., the powerful weapon of positive force, the decider of destinies of wars and ensurer of peace, the last hope for the salvation of Enchanted Lands... As most of you already know, this fantastic weapon is hidden beyond the "Ivory Hates" located some where in the Lands Of Chaos, and to open these magic portals the hero needs first to find the three magic "Keys Of Wisdom"...

Dopuna: 09 Maj 2007 16:05

Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime (1988-)
Jedan od najboljih albuma heavy metala Smile evo i price Very Happy i ako se nevaram ima i film Very Happy i koncert Operation Livecrime (koji je fenomenalan)...

The album begins with the protagonist, Nikki, lying in a hospital bed. He lies in a nearly catatonic state, unable to remember anything but snippets from his past. Suddenly, Nikki has a violent flashback in which his memories come flooding back in a torrent (I Remember Now, Anarchy X). He remembers how, as a heroin addict and would-be political radical frustrated with contemporary society, he was manipulated into joining a supposed secret organization dedicated to revolution (Revolution Calling). At the head of this organization is a political and religious demagogue known only as Dr. X, who, manipulating Nikki through a combination of his heroin addiction and hypnotism, uses Nikki as an assassin. Whenever Dr. X uses the word "mindcrime" Nikki becomes his docile puppet (ala The Manchurian Candidate), a state which Dr. X uses to command Nikki to undertake any murder that the Doctor wishes (Operation Mindcrime, Speak). Through one of Dr. X's associates, a corrupt priest named Father William, Nikki is offered the services of a hooker-turned-nun named Sister Mary (Details are vague whether these services are sexual or simply emotional) (Spreading the Disease). However, through his friendship and growing affection toward Sister Mary, Nikki begins to question the nature of what he is doing (The Mission). Dr. X notices this and, seeing a potential threat in Mary, orders Nikki to kill both her and the priest. Nikki goes to Mary's church and kills the priest, but after confronting Mary fails to comply with the command to murder her (Suite Sister Mary). He and Mary decided to leave the organization together, and Nikki goes to Dr. X to tell him that they are out. Dr. X, however, reminds Nikki that he is an addict, and that he is the only one who can provide his daily fix (The Needle Lies). Nikki leaves conflicted and returns to Mary, only to find her dead (Electric Requiem). He cannot cope with the loss, as well as the possibility that he himself may have killed her and not known it, and begins to succumb to insanity (Breaking the Silence, I Don't Believe in Love). The police, arriving on the scene, arrest him for Mary's murder and the murders he committed for Dr. X (Waiting for 22). Because he is in a near-catatonic state, he is put into a hospital, where he starts to remember… (My Empty Room, Eyes of a Stranger).

Dopuna: 09 Maj 2007 16:14

Iron Maiden - Brave New World

Brave New World is the long-anticipated reunion album featuring the return of Maiden powerhouses Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith. Due to the high emotion surrounding the Maiden's return to their golden-era lineup, this album faced almost impossibly high expectations of the sort that are rarely if ever fully met. But amidst all of this hype, Iron Maiden has exceeded all expectations and produced an album that is the equal of any album since their golden era of the 80s.

At first glance, Brave New World is a progressive album which fits most closely into the same category as Somewhere In Time and Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son. Although the guitar and bass synths have been jettisoned in favour of a real keyboard (played by Steve Harris himself), the overall style and mix of the synthesizers are similar. Likewise, the guitar sound has returned to that of the late 80s and Bruce's vocals are once again in top form. Yet upon further introspection, Brave New World seems to be an amalgamation of many different elements drawn from each of the albums since the late 80s – the occult themes of Seventh Son..., the social awareness and politics of No Prayer For The Dying and Fear Of The Dark, the personal introspection of The X Factor and the emotional depth of Virtual XI.

Brave New World is somewhat of a misnomer in that the album blazes very little new ground, but instead reiterates the brilliant genius which has carried Iron Maiden throughout their career. All of the best elements from the previous 15 years are combined into one amazing album which is sure to please both old and new fans alike, as well as put to shame certain other formerly heavy metal bands who have abandoned the true path. Perhaps the most pleasant surprise of the album is Janick "underrated" Gers, who has fully arrived into his own golden era and, in my opinion, is fully the equal of Dave and Adrian in both songwriting and musicianship, even in places surpassing them. His songs are beautifully composed and his guitar solos brilliantly inspired in both complexity and emotional depth that was only hinted by The X Factor and Virtual XI.

Taken as a whole, Brave New World has all of the elements of an instant Iron Maiden classic, including the deep intelligent lyrics, nonstandard song structures, masterful musicianship, as well as a return to the complex artistic genius of Derek Riggs. If I could change anything about Brave New World, I would have written more and longer guitar solos and more interplay between the three guitars, as well as improved the quality of the photos in the CD booklet. Yet these are only minor points in the face of this excellent album which has lived up to and surpassed all of my expectations.

I pozadina

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 5224
  • Gde živiš: Oslo

Vidis ti ovo, pa vi metalci sve sami konceptualci Very Happy

Evo sta mi pada na pamet a spada u moje licne favorite:

Samo ime kaze- tuzne pesme da ti srce stane, a tema je ubistvo. Mozda najpoznatija pacenica i zrtva sa ovog albuma je Elisa Day iz "Where The Wild Roses Grow" koja je dobila kamen u glavu. Jezive pesme, sve do poslednje, ne daju ti da dises. O ovim tekstovima bi mozda i neki psihijatar/psihoanaliticar imao da kaze po koju (ako vec i nije).

(@deathangel... hair pesme se vrte oko zajednicke teme -vijetnam i peace, al ok, shvatam da je to malo rastegljivo (jedna pesma je na primer, o dobu vodolije a druga o hashishu, pa sad ajd da covek bude pametan i poveze ako ne zna o cemu se radi)- (samo u tom slucaju moramo da dovedemo u pitanje i koncept The Wall-a Wink )

Pada mi i Jesus Christ Superstar na pamet i Thommy od The Who- e, ovde muzika vec "prepricava" sta se to s Tomijem desavalo- ovo bi moglo da bude.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1847
  • Gde živiš: Apatin

@Tamtitam ako nisi primetila cela prica se vrti oko pink-ia da kazem i prepricava njegov zivot,tako da tu nema sumlje da je album konceptualan.
A i Nick Cave koliko sam ja skontao nije gledajuci po netu nije bas konceptualan album vec svaka pesma ima svoju pricu ali istu temu SMRT.
Isti fazon je i sa Hair,znaci mora da prica jedinstvenu pricu.

@Janki90 probaj da uradis kako sam i ja radio zbog preglednosti.A i Brave New World nije konceptualan album.Iron Maiden jedino sto je imao blizu konceptualnog albuma je Sventh Son Of The Seventh Son

ps.O:M od Queensrche nema film,ali oni je na kocertima prave kao pozorisnu predstavu iz njih odk sviraju.

Dopuna: 09 Maj 2007 17:59

pss.@Tamtitam pogledaj treci post Smile

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Hvala za info Deathangel, morao sam prosto da okačim taj album od DT jer mi je on jedan od omiljenih Wink

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