Heart of a dagger

Heart of a dagger

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 8134
  • Gde živiš: U kesici gumenih bombona...

Heart of a dagger

Iam back in the game with the fear in my presents
You broke my heart and left it under the ice
Take my sword in your hands and take my life like you did with my heart
Let my voice surrounds you, let my soul fly free over you

Let thy name be remembered as I travel to the place of no return
Take your word and end your destiny, sign the one way ticket to the unknown
So your soul will rest in peace next to mine
So shall it be

You knew what you wanted, and what you pray for
I knew it too and I wanted only you, so clean and free of sins
You've steal my thoughts and put them on the paper
Splashed with my blood when you put a dagger through my heart
As my reflection fades away, and my presents became a myth
You've let your tears away and make a heart of a dagger

Kasic Slobodan - 03.01.2006, 6:30AM

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