Naucnici razvijaju vestacko oko

Naucnici razvijaju vestacko oko

  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 3549

German scientists have developed an artificial eye which they say they are now ready to implant into a human patient.

Researchers from the RWTH Aachen University have fitted a pair of glasses with a tiny video camera and an encoder that sends the images to an implant fitted at the back of the eye.

The team believes the camera will allow a previously blind wearer to see the world again.

"The implant will let the user recognise outlines of objects and also see in black and white, and differentiate between different shades of light and dark," said project leader Professor Wilfried Mokwa.

Initially it will target sufferers of the hereditary disease Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) which causes gradual deterioration of the light sensitive cells of the retina.

But they are hoping the technology could also be used for other types of blindness if initial trials are a success.

Scientists at the university say the artificial eye should be on the market within five years.

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